USWNT and US Soccer settlement of equal pay

Many of those players and teams went on to achieve great success – Norway, Australia And Netherlands These include countries where football federations have promised to close the pay gap between men and women – even if the case of American players is dragged out.

The equal pay fight started almost six years ago, with five star players Complained to the Equal Employment Commission American Soccer accuses of wage discrimination. Women, key members of a team that was the current World Cup and Olympic champion at the time, claimed that men earned only 40 percent of the salaries of players on the national team. Players – Morgan, Robino, Lloyd, Hope Solo and Becky Sorbron – said they were short of bonuses, appearance fees and food while at training camps.

“The numbers speak for themselves,” Solo said, however, as US football immediately rejected them. The men’s players, Solo said, “get paid more to show off than we get paid to win big championships.”

Almost immediately, football fans took a side in the fight, splitting US Soccer in the middle. The federation briefly argued that men came in with more money and attracted higher television ratings, thus deserving of higher pay, but it soon abandoned the position amid public outcry, players’ anger and a close reading of the Equal Pay Act.

By then, the parties had already traded several scenes in the media and in court first. The federation won a verdict that would prevent athletes from boycotting the 2016 Olympics when they press for new contracts, but only after an embarrassing mess filed in its court. Unable to edit Home addresses and personal email accounts of two dozen leading players.

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A settlement is likely to be reached between the two sides from April 2020, when the judge of the women’s case, R.J. Gary Glasner rejected the argument that they were being paid systematically less. He said American Soccer has proven its claim Women’s team In fact he has earned more “on an overall and average one game basis” than the men’s team in the years under trial.

The women’s team, as a major contradiction in the case, has fallen victim to its own success. At the height of their power as World Cup champions, in choosing to fight American soccer, women chose the worst time to rank their few years ‘salary against men’s few years’ pay. Time grew competitive.

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