‘Black Panther’ director Ryan Kugler was misunderstood as a bank robber

“Black leopard”Director Ryan KuglerOne of the most trusted directors working in Hollywood today, he was mistaken…

Oops! Check out Apple’s new Mac Studio

Apple has a few more months to release its Apple Silicon-equipped Mac Pro. But in the…

Zhelensky of Ukraine stands up and applauds, calling for further support as he addresses the UK Parliament via video

Pallavi echoed a line Exciting talk Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister during World War II. Provoking…

The UN says 2 million people have fled the war as Ukraine accuses Russia of violating the latest ceasefire agreement for humanitarian evacuation.

Reports from one of the Ukrainian cities badly affected by Russia’s indiscriminate artillery attack on Tuesday…

Greg Bopovich joins the competition for the NBA All-Time Success Coach as he plays ‘Good Defense Town’ at the San Antonio Spurs home.

SAN ANTONIO – Greg Popovich has only one more chance to become the all-time successful coach…

Rocket moon crash live – China denies responsibility after blaming space debris ‘Hits Moon’ & SpaceX ‘bug’ at 5,800 mph

The part of the rocket that is beyond the control of the size of a school…

Severe storms threaten 60 million in US on Monday following hurricane kills 7 in Iowa

Washington, DC, Baltimore and Nashville are among the other cities where severe weather is expected, CNN…

Truck convoy spins around Washington DC against Govt controls | Washington DC

A long line of large half-limbed trucks, recreational vehicles and cars circled. Washington DCOn Sunday, protesting…

MasterCard and Visa Block in Russia will not stop domestic purchases | Banking

Russia’s government-backed network says consumers can still use MasterCard and Visa stamp cards for domestic transactions,…

Bennett says Israel will try to mediate in Ukraine

Israeli Prime Minister Naphtali Bennett attends a cabinet meeting on February 27, 2022 at the Prime…