The White House says the journey between the United States and South Africa will resume

Dec. A senior executive said Friday that President Biden would lift the travel ban between the United States and countries in South Africa at 31 midnight.

Regional leaders have condemned the ban as unfair, discriminatory and unnecessary.

Based on the findings that existing Govt vaccines, especially among people who have received a booster shot of Pfizer-Bioendech or Moderna, may be effective against severe diseases with highly contagious omigran variants, Mr. Biden made the decision this week on the advice of his medical team. Vaccine, the senior official said in an email.

The decision was made following an announcement by the British government on Tuesday It removes restrictions on passengers People from 11 African countries.

Officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Mr. Biden and his team were advised that Omigron, the last type to dominate the delta in the United States, is widespread around the world and no longer makes sense in controlling travel. And from South Africa, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique and Namibia, the official said.

Prohibition Announced on November 26, authorities in South Africa announced the emergence of this variant, which contains a large number of mutations that allow vaccinated people to avoid an immune response. The ban went into effect on November 29 at midnight.

Countries in South Africa are now subject to the same protocols as all other countries, foreign arrivals must be fully vaccinated and show evidence of a negative corona virus test within one day of their trip.

“We certainly welcome this development,” said Glasen Moniela, head of public diplomacy at South Africa’s Department of International Relations. “We have always maintained that these travel restrictions are unscientific and discriminatory and have had a devastating impact on our travel and tourism industry, business and families.

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Botswana’s Foreign Minister Lemogang Kwape said officials there were pleased with the news. “We hope the world will unite to fight all the challenges we are besieged,” he added.

These restrictions were imposed by regional leaders, Mr. It drew immediate criticism from critics from Biden’s own party and from international health officials.

“Travel restrictions may play a role in reducing the prevalence of Govt-19, but place a heavy burden on lives and livelihoods,” said Matshidiso Moiti, the World Health Organization’s regional director for Africa, at the time of the ban. “If restrictions are enforced, they should not be unnecessarily aggressive or intrusive, and should be scientifically sound.”

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