The Unreal Engine technology demo shows Hellblade 2’s Senwa in action in real time

Epic Games demonstrated the new animation technology during it Unreal display case At this week’s Game Developers Conference, he shows how developer Ninja Theory uses Unreal Engine 5 to bring Senua to life Senwa epic: Hellblade 2. While the talk was focused primarily on game developers, the takeaway for most people would be “Damn, this looks so good!”

Melina Jürgens, performance capture artist at Ninja Theory, and the actor behind Senua, showed how Unreal 5 can capture footage of a performance using little more than an iPhone camera and turn it into usable facial animation. MetaHuman technology from the Unreal Engine processes that simple footage to apply detailed facial animation to a 3D model, expressing fear, anger, and a more subtle look without a human needing to perfect it.

But using a more sophisticated performance capture device, it can also apply highly detailed real-time facial animations to Epic’s MetaHuman models. That’s what you can see in the video above – which is also a fresh look, albeit a brief one Senua Saga: Hellblade 2A title we haven’t heard from in a while.

Senua Saga: Hellblade 2 Coming to Windows PC and Xbox Series X. The sequel to 2017’s Ninja Theory Hellblade: Senua health It has no release date.

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