The Internet has erupted when a bald man “gave in” and shaved his head with horrific results

Hair loss has always been a major concern for many men, with wondering what hairstyle to adopt as the hairline slowly and inevitably recedes, and then, when you can't fight the tide any longer, whether it's time to simply say 'F “*Cheer and shave a lot.

This week a Redditor – who goes by the username u/donswolo – was posted on the subreddit dedicated to bald men and showed the community that he had finally decided to “give in” and stop working, shaving off the top of his head and also an impressive mustache and beard that he had developed alongside. His long if thin locks.

Bucking the trend that ginger men are more prone to hair loss than other hair colours, this bold move by the dark-haired poster has revealed a handsome face and a new look that we think should inspire bald men everywhere; If you've been thinking about shaving it, this is your sign to do so. (However, if you're still committed to making it work, we recommend Fortero shampoo.)

I gave up today.
byu/donswolo inbald

Aussie bare ding

This is an issue close to our hearts here at DMARGE, since according to Fact sheets Published by the Australian Government Department of Health Severe baldness affects one in five Australian men in their 20s, about one in three men in their 30s, and nearly half of men in their 40s. This is much higher than most countries on Earth.

Perhaps it's no surprise, then, that hair care is becoming one of the fastest growing industries in Australia, with revenues expected to reach $1.44 billion in 2023, and the market expected to grow annually by 1.56%, according to Statista – with much of this growth fueled by Australian men desperate to maintain their locks.

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But why does Australia have the highest percentage of bald men in the world? We spoke to Dr Junchen Sun, Director of Research and Development at the Australian biotech company Vitalitywhich explains that it is related to the high levels of ultraviolet radiation in Australia.

High levels of UV radiation in Australia have been shown to influence not only high rates of skin cancer but also high rates of male hair loss. Photo: Getty

“UV light produces a lot of reactive oxygen species that damage not only the growing hair, but also the hair follicles on the scalp,” explains Dr. Sun. “Since our UV rays are so high, especially in the summer, this can have adverse effects on the quality of our hair (texture/colour) as well as hair loss.”

“Australia sees some of the highest UV indexes in the world being so close to the equator and coupled with clearer skies, the comparison is quite broad: in summer, the UK has a UV index of between 6 and 8, while Australia has a The violet is 6-8″. 10-14… [Our] Strong climate is definitely a factor that increases hair loss.

Dr. Junchen Sun

Our diet also plays an important role when it comes to preventing (or accelerating) hair loss, says Dr. Sun.

“In conjunction with taking supplements, we need to consume foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as fish and nuts. Adequate protein is also important for maintaining hair volume: eggs, seafood and lean meat are good choices, and green vegetables and fruits that contain antioxidants can help.” Also fights reactive oxygen species to protect hair.

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