The heat wave brings extreme temperatures to India and Pakistan in April

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For that The second month In a row, temperatures in India and Pakistan are unusually high due to a string of strong and prolonged heat waves – now another upsurge is emerging.

The temperature has already risen to dangerous levels. Delhi, the capital of India, recorded temperatures of over 110 degrees on Thursday and Friday The pavement melted in the middle of the heatMany cities broke April records.

Times of India Reported Delhi hit its second hottest April day on Friday with an average temperature of 104 degrees (40.2 Celsius) in 72 years.

The city of Nawabshah in Pakistan recorded 117.5 degrees (47.5 degrees Celsius) on Thursday – the hottest temperature in the Northern Hemisphere this year.

The heat wave has increased fire risk in recent days, threatening crop yields and accelerating the melting of some glaciers. Although this part of the world is not new to extreme heat, scientists say conditions have worsened due to climate change.

“Heat waves are now more frequent and spread throughout the year,” said Amir Agakouchak, a professor at the University of California, Irvine. “This is the new nature and if we do not take serious action it will only get worse in the future.”

The Indian Meteorological Center The weekend has put much of the country under “heat surveillance”, with some places in the center of the country, such as Madhya Pradesh, being one step ahead of the “heat alert” until Saturday.

Temperatures in this episode are expected to peak over the weekend, although warmer temperatures in the subcontinent seem to have stabilized, with little meaningful relief in sight.

On Friday, More than 50 places India recorded a high of 111 degrees (44 degrees Celsius) and 115.1 degrees (46.2 degrees Celsius) on the sports complex, including the vast capital Delhi. The city’s official high was 110.3 degrees (43.5 Celsius) on both Thursday and Friday, the 12-year high in April.

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Gurgaon, southwest of New Delhi, broke its monthly April record of 114.6 degrees (45.9 Celsius) on Thursday and Friday, surpassing the previous record of 112.6 degrees (44.8 Celsius) in 1979.

Lucknow, the largest city in the northeastern state of Uttar Pradesh, set a new April record of 113 degrees (45.1 Celsius) on Friday. April records were also set in the town of Banda in the northeastern state of Uttar Pradesh Reached 117.3 degrees (47.4 Celsius), Prayagraj 116 (46.8 Celsius).

Temperatures are expected to rise further on Saturdays and Sundays, with higher temperatures expected to ease as more relief is available at night.

According to Maximiliano Herrera, a global meteorologist, the maximum temperature in India in April was 118.9 degrees Celsius (48.3 Celsius), reached in 1958 at Palmer. Nawabshah, Pakistan, reached 122.4 degrees Celsius in about two hours inland from the Arabian Sea. (50.2 Celsius) four years ago.

Pakistan is likely to end up with higher temperatures overall. Some places north of the capital Karachi will experience temperatures of 120 degrees Celsius (49 degrees Celsius) over the weekend. Predictions To JakobabadKnown as One of the hottest cities On Earth, it is as high as 122 degrees (50 Celsius), which can test sensitive records.

Power outages, fires and low yields

Severe heat caused significant electrical disturbances, Described as the worst in years. Most rural areas in India do not have air conditioning facilities. Unprecedented early heat waves are causing great health concerns in a country accustomed to the dangers of hot climates.

“The unfortunate fact is that only the most vulnerable individuals will suffer the most,” AgaKouchak said. “Lack of access to air conditioning, very common in poor and disadvantaged communities, significantly increases the likelihood of death from heat stroke and heat waves.”

AgaKouchak found that even in the absence of extreme heat waves, a moderate increase in temperature would drastically increase mortality rates. Over the past five decades, temperatures have risen by about 0.92 degrees (0.5 degrees Celsius) Increased The probability of heat-related deaths in more than 100 individuals is 146 percent.

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Most of those dangers are due to the increase in night time temperature. According to Akakochak, the temperature usually drops at night, which gives our bodies a chance to cool down. Without this cooling, prolonged heat increases the risk of heat exhaustion, seizures, stroke and death.

“Night temperature is very important for human health when we generally see daily temperature peaks. இரவு Night heat waves have also increased significantly in densely populated areas of India,” he and his colleagues said. Previously discovered The hottest nights from 1981-2013 were 0.92 degrees (0.51 degrees Celsius) for a decade.

How climate change is making some parts of the world hotter and humid

Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, He also said Higher temperatures have increased fire risk across the country. Over the past few days, especially in the northern part of the country, satellites have detected a large increase in fire hot spots. A fire at a garbage dump outside New Delhi has emitted toxic fumes, prompting the closure of a nearby school on Tuesday.

Even intermittent heat waves Affecting the harvest. Wheat imports in some parts of the country this year are reported to be 20 per cent lower than the 2021 values. Temperatures above 104 degrees (40 Celsius) across Punjab – the country’s bread basket – are the main reason for this decline during the growing season.

Yield is greatly reduced Because of the shrinkage of crops and grains that mature very quickly Because of the initial heat. It comes at a time when India hopes to fill some of the gaps in the world market created by Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine.

There are concerns that the heat wave will cause the glaciers to melt faster, which could lead to flash and river flooding. Pakistan Meteorological Center.

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Research shows that while India is prone to frequent severe heat episodes, frequency, duration and intensity increase as global temperatures rise.

A February study “Anthropological factors have more than doubled the probability of severe heat waves in central and central southern India in the twentieth century,” he said, revealing that human activities played a larger role than natural causes. It is predicted that the risk of heat waves will increase tenfold in the 21st century under certain future climate change conditions.

“Extreme heat wave hitting India this week is coming on top of the 1C warming that the country has already experienced” Tweeted Zeke Hausfather, a climate researcher at the global technology company Stripe. “India is heading towards 3.5C warming at the end of this century on our current emission path (SSP2-4.5).”

Helios High Pressure “Heat domes“What has persisted in India in recent months has been found to be more common and serious than in the past Temperature to break the record In 2021 in the Pacific Northwest, other recent events around the world took place.

Temperatures in India peak in April and May or begin shortly before the monsoon – the seasonal change in the air known as monsoon. Cloudy and rainy Conditions of monsoon Generally north and west of the Indian Ocean in late May and early summer, lasting until early autumn.

Although readings are expected to decline somewhat later this weekend, there are signs of a resurgence after that.

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