Should Trump allies Giuliani, Graham testify before a grand jury in Georgia? The Fulton County DA moved the court to compel the testimony

Washington – Georgia Attorney General Rudy Giuliani and Sen. Several Trump associates, including Lindsey Graham, are seeking to impeach.

Fulton County District Attorney Fannie Willis petitioned the judge overseeing the panel to issue certificates determining that Giuliani, Graham and others are key witnesses in the trial, a first step in forcing courts in other states to appear in Georgia. Conservative attorney John Eastman and pundit Jackie Deason were identified as material witnesses, as were Trump attorneys Cleta Mitchell, Kenneth Chesbro and Jenna Ellis.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution First reported Action to compel testimony of witnesses. The affidavits state that witnesses must testify by July 12.

Giuliani’s attorney said the former New York mayor was “not served with a subpoena.” A Graham spokesman did not immediately return a request for comment Tuesday.

Affidavit naming Giuliani in a December 2020 hearing before the Georgia State Senate. Giuliani, who served as Trump’s personal attorney, made allegations of voter fraud that were quickly dismissed, but he continued to pursue them publicly. said.

“The witness’ appearance and testimony at trial contained evidence that the Trump campaign was part of a multi-state, coordinated scheme to influence the November 2020 election results in Georgia and elsewhere,” the affidavit states.

Graham’s testimony document says he spoke with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger after the election. Graham questioned Secretary Raffensberger and his staff about recounting some absentee ballots cast in Georgia to explore the possibility of a result more favorable to Trump, the affidavit states.

Graham has acknowledged the phone calls in the past and denied any allegations of wrongdoing. Saying “face the nation”. In January he “asked how the system worked when it came to mail-in voting, polling.”

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President Biden narrowly won Georgia in 2020, and Republican election officials in the state have repeatedly testified that allegations of widespread voter fraud are baseless.

Trump pressed Raffensberger and other officials to “find” enough votes, according to a transcript of a phone call between Trump and Raffensberger obtained by CBS News last year. Jan. 2, 2021, the president told Raffensberger, “That’s what I want to do. I want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state.”

There was a special jury Empaneled January at the request of Willis, the district attorney. The investigation included a call between Raffensperger and Trump, and the secretary of state He was called to testify before a grand jury in June. Georgia Governor Brian Kemp has agreed to provide a sworn statement to a grand jury on July 25.

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