Prince Harry shares messages between Meghan and Kate Middleton on dresses

Prince Harry revealed the fiery text messages sent between Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle over the now-infamous bridesmaid dresses.

In his new memoirs, “additional,” On January 10, the Duke of Sussex detailed the liaisons between his current wife and his sister-in-law about Princess Charlotte’s dress ‘wasn’t enough’.

“Charlotte’s dress is too big, too long, too loose,” recalled Harry, Princess of Wales who has been texting Meghan about the dresses, which were made from measurements before fitting. “She cried when I tried it on at home.”

The Duchess of Sussex, 41, then allegedly said to Middleton, “Well, I told you the tailor has been standing by you since 8 a.m. Here. At KP. Can you take Charlotte to change her, like other mums do?”

Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle sitting next to each other
Prince Harry recalled the text messages exchanged between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton regarding Princess Charlotte’s bridesmaid dress.
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Instead of agreeing to the alterations, Kate allegedly demanded “all dresses be redesigned” and said she had discussed the issue with her bridal designer, who agreed with her.

To try and make Kate understand the pressure she was going through, Meghan allegedly asked Kate if she was aware of the drama surrounding her father, Thomas Markle.

Kate Middleton and Princess Charlotte
The Princess of Wales allegedly wrote: “Charlotte’s dress is too big, too long, too loose.”
AFP via Getty Images

Meg asked if Kate knew what was going on right now. “With her father,” Harry recalled. “Kate said she was well aware, but dresses. And the wedding in four days! “

“Yes, Kate, I know….” His fiancee allegedly replied.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on their wedding day
Harry wrote that the Duchess of Sussex replied, explaining that there was a tailor on standby.
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Prince Harry, 39, also claimed Kate, 41, was having “problems with the way Meg was planning her wedding. Something about a page boys party? He was going back and forth.”

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The renegade king said his wife replied, “I’m not sure what else to say. If the dress doesn’t fit, please take Charlotte to see Ajay. He’s been waiting all day.”

Princess Charlotte and Kate Middleton
However, Kate wanted to completely redesign the dress.
AFP via Getty Images

Kate allegedly replied, “Fine.”

Harry said he came home to find his wife crying “on the floor” of their home.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on their wedding day in a carriage
Meghan was simultaneously dealing with the drama involving her father, Thomas Markle.
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Harry’s summary of the ordeal expands on what Markle wrote Shared during a Sussex bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2021; While it was widely reported that Markle made Middleton cry in the run-up to their wedding, she revealed at the time, “The opposite happened.”

Palace told Page Six last week that they would not comment on any allegations in the book.

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