Leaked Draft Comment Supreme Court Ro v

Washington – It seems that the Supreme Court is ready to overturn its key decisions establishing the right to abortion Draft comment Obtained and published by Politico, that decision – if finalized – would shatter the 50-year-old precedent and lead states to drastically reduce abortion rights in the United States.

A draft opinion leak from the Supreme Court is breathtaking and unprecedented in modern times and has already sent shock waves across Washington and across the country.

In a statement Tuesday morning, the court confirmed that the document was genuine. As Chief Justice John Roberts condemned the leak A “betrayal” And “a single and worst betrayal of trust” will be fully investigated.

Late on Monday, hundreds of protesters gathered outside the courthouse, Politico released a statement calling on the Conservative majority to end the 1973 decision to establish the right to abortion in Roe v. Getting ready to completely replace Wade.

Democrats and Republicans issued statements reacting to the reported draft and the implications of such a ruling if it were eventually handed down. Planned parent tweeted“Let it be clear: this is a draft concept. It’s outrageous, it’s unprecedented, but it’s not final. Abortion is your right – it’s still legal.”

The draft, published by Politico, states that it was written by Judge Samuel Alito and distributed on February 10. It does not specify which other judges agreed with this view. Politics The other four Conservative judges, Clarence Thomas, Neil Korsch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Connie Barrett, who voted with Alito to overthrow Rowe during closed-door debates after oral arguments, said one person familiar with the court’s arguments did not change their position. According to Politico, it is unclear whether Chief Justice John Roberts will join the Conservative majority.

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Supreme Court abortion struggle
A public meeting was held outside the Supreme Court on Monday night, May 2, 2022. After Politico released a draft opinion, most judges ruled that the 1973 abortion was legalized nationwide. Wade intended to overturn the verdict.

Anna Johnson / AB

Judges can change their vote within days or weeks of decision-making. Supreme Court opinion in a case known as the Tops vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Mississippi law Abortions are prohibited after 15 weeks and are expected to be handed over by the end of June or early July before judges complete their terms.

Politico said it had received a copy of the draft opinion “from someone familiar with the court proceedings in the Mississippi case, along with other details supporting the credibility of the document.”

Roberts is calling for a full-scale inquiry by the court-martial into the draft opinion leak.

The The judges heard oral arguments At the end of the session, the majority of the court in the blockbuster dispute over the Mississippi law in December Seemed relaxed Government action should be allowed to stand. However, five Justices Rowe and Planned Parenthood v. It is not clear whether they will vote to replace Casey., The 1992 lawsuit reaffirmed Roy’s position that prenatal abortion is not illegal outside the states, and is generally considered between 22 and 24 weeks of gestation.

But according to a draft leaked and published by Politico, Alito wrote that Rowe was “very wrong from the beginning” and that the reason was “exceptionally weak.”

“It is time to listen to the constitution and return the issue of abortion to the elected representatives of the people,” Alito wrote in Politico.

President George W. Bush. Appointed to the Supreme Court by Bush, Alito concluded: “Abortion raises a profound moral question. The constitution does not prohibit the citizens of every state from regulating or prohibiting abortion. To.

The document refers to this decision as “Draft 1”, and Alito’s comment is 67 pages long and has a 31-page appendix containing various state laws criminalizing abortion.

If the Supreme Court rejects Roe and Casey, the draft report suggests a long-awaited victory for anti-abortion lawyers.

Former President Donald Trump appointed three conservative judges – Korsch, Kavanagh and Barrett – to expand the court’s Conservative majority to 6-3, and Mississippi officials called on the Supreme Court as a vehicle to overthrow Roe and Casey. .

GoodMatcher, an organization that supports abortion rights, Rated Twenty-six states are committed to banning abortion if the Supreme Court overturns or removes Rowe. If Rowe is attacked and governors step in, some laws are already in place Oklahoma And Florida Everyone signed into law the new abortion restrictions last month.

A CBS News poll from November Most Americans supported Rowe leaving. According to a November poll, the majority would like to overthrow Rowe and leave the matter to the states. Abortion Must be legal in all or most cases in their home state: more than six in 10 say so. Only 14% want to outlaw their state in all cases.

Lawmakers react to SCOTUS leak draft comment


The draft opinion, according to a Politico report, provoked outrage from Congress Democrats.

“If the report is accurate, the Supreme Court is poised to impose the greatest rights in the last fifty years – not just for women, but for all Americans,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer told the House. Report. “The vote of the judges appointed by the Republican party will go a long way in throwing off the hunt for Roe V. It is one of the worst and worst decisions in modern history.”

Conservative judges Pelosi and Schumer accused him of “lying in the U.S. Senate” and “tearing up the US Constitution.” They said such a ruling would rob millions of women of their “physical autonomy and the constitutional rights they had relied on for half a century.”

The Republicans’ reaction, meanwhile, focused on the criticism that the leak would harm the Supreme Court as a company.

In a statement on Tuesday morning, House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy, Whip Steve Scholis and conference president Elise Stephanik said the leak was “a campaign that clearly consolidates the threat to the Supreme Court of the United States and its independence in our political system, and should be investigated by the court immediately from the establishment of the Constitution.” They added, “Republicans are committed to upholding the sanctity of life.”

Several GOP senators commented on the ruling Monday night. Sen. of Florida. Marco Rubio Has tweeted that“The next time you hear the far left preach about how they are fighting to protect the institutions and ethics of our republic, remember how they issued the Supreme Court opinion in an attempt to intimidate judges regarding abortion.”

Sen. of Arkansas. Tom Cotton Has tweeted that He prays that the Supreme Court and the judiciary should use “every necessary investigative tool” to get to the bottom of the leak, but that “the court follows the constitution and allows the state to reclaim unborn life.”

Jan Crawford contributed to the reporting.

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