Female Russian TV news package runs over anti-branding poster

On Monday, a woman put up a poster on an evening news program on Russian state television’s main channel: “No war. Stop the war. Do not trust the campaign. They are lying to you here. Russians against war. She shouted: “Stop the war, don’t go to war” before the camera cut.

The Russian state-run news agency TASS quoted a law enforcement source as saying that the woman had worked for the channel. TASS and OVD-Info, a human rights group that monitors protests and helps protesters find prosecutors, announced that the woman had been detained and taken to a Moscow police station.

The government says more than 3,000 people were detained during anti-war protests on March 6. The OVD-Info estimates that nearly 15,000 protesters have been detained during rallies since the start of the invasion of Ukraine on February 24.

The woman’s disagreement comes after the president

Vladimir Putin

The bill was signed into law, which carries a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison for knowingly disseminating false information and data about the use of the Russian armed forces.

Since the beginning of the war, Russia has cracked down on news organizations and foreign social media networks. About two dozen independent Russian media outlets have been forced to close or have been shut down.



And Instagram is all blocked in the country.

Government support and an independent referendum show that 60% of Russians support the invasion.

OVD-Info identified the woman as Marina Ovsyanikova and shared a video she allegedly recorded before her protest. A Facebook profile using the name shows a picture of a woman with the colors of Russian and Ukrainian flags wearing the same necklace she had on TV.

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Within two hours of the incident, more than 15,000 people had posted comments under the photo on their Facebook page. “Your courage is amazing,” read one comment. “Thank you so much for the truth.”

The media coverage of Russian troops occupying Ukraine is different from that of the United States in Russia, and using maps and misinformation, many television programs are shaping public opinion by justifying Moscow’s decision to attack its neighbors. Gallery: Sharon Shi

OVD-Info released a video tape made by that woman. “What is happening in Ukraine now is a crime, Russia is an occupying country,” he says. “The responsibility for this aggression lies in the conscience of one person, this person Vladimir Putin.”

The woman said her father was Ukrainian and her mother was Russian. He said he was ashamed to work for the “Kremlin campaign” and called on Russians to protest against the war. “It is only in our power to stop this. Go to the struggles; do not be afraid. They will not be able to arrest us all.

In his speech, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky said, “I thank the Russians for not stopping to tell the truth, the real truth to their friends and loved ones” and the woman who personally entered with a poster against Channel One studio. War. ”

Write to Evan Gershkovich at [email protected]

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In the March 15, 2022 print edition, it was printed as ‘Anti-female brandies anti-Russian TV show’.

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