Imran Khan Live Announcements: Pakistan Parliamentary News and Latest

debt…China Bashir for The New York Times

Islamabad, Pakistan – Pakistan, the world’s second-largest nuclear-armed Muslim country, has been reluctant to be a US partner in the campaign against terrorism for decades – if important.

But the country withdrew from the United States under Prime Minister Imran Khan, especially after that US withdrawal from AfghanistanPakistan is long there Accused of fomenting the Taliban And is a supporter The Taliban regime took over last year. Pakistan has also embraced A strategic partnership with China And Close relations with Russia.

Two decades later September 11, 2001, attacks, Pakistan was a US partner in the war against Al Qaeda and the Taliban, and then demanded that the US select the Pakistan sides. In return, the Pakistani military won tens of billions of dollars in US aid.

But from the outset, relations between the two countries were fraught with divisive interests, with Pakistan playing a dual game: accepting US aid, while at the same time often supporting US-fighting fighters.

U.S. officials say a Pakistani spy agency has provided planning assistance and training expertise to the Taliban throughout the Afghan war. Haqqani NetworkA militant organization is responsible Some deadly attacks against US troops in Afghanistan. After the Taliban seized power, Pakistani supporters in the Haqqani network held key positions. Afghan government.

Pakistan’s goal in Afghanistan is to create a sphere of influence to deter its arch – enemy India, which, according to Pakistan, supports separatist groups operating from asylums in Afghanistan to incite unrest in Pakistan.

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During the war in Afghanistan, the United States tolerated Pakistan’s fake game because given the choice, US officials preferred to wage a chaotic war in Afghanistan rather than a war with a nuclear – armed Pakistan. Pakistan’s ports and airports provided important entry points and supply lines for US military equipment needed in Afghanistan.

But US relations with Pakistan cooled after the Navy seals Osama bin Laden was killed In a safe house near the Pakistan Military Academy in 2011.

China has been a longtime supporter of Pakistan He invested heavily in Pakistan’s infrastructure. Analysts say China hopes Pakistan will serve as its aide in Afghanistan, home to millions of dollars worth of rare earth minerals that have spurred China’s interests. Mr. Khan is trying to establish closer ties with Moscow Met with President Vladimir V. Putin In Russia just hours before the invasion of Ukraine. According to news reports in Pakistan, Mr. Khan counted.

But Mr. Many experts in the region say that if Khan is ousted, Pakistan could grow closer to the United States and the West. Over the past three years, Pakistan’s military has historically set the country’s foreign policy and security priorities. Analysts say they often disagree with Khan’s comments. Those differences, Mr. Towards the end of Khan’s tenure, relations with the military erupted.

The day before the no-confidence vote was scheduled, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, the leader of the Pakistani military, expressed his desire to deepen relations with both China and the United States, and pardoned Russia’s occupation of Ukraine.

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