Apple Discontinues Beeper Mini’s iMessage for Android Feature

Apple seems to have closed the loophole used by the Beeper Mini to bring iMessage to Android, stopping the blue bubbles from Android devices. Beeper Mini stopped working earlier today due to getting error messages “Failed to search server: Search request timed out”.

Bieber said on Twitter investigates the issueBut said Beeper CEO Eric Mickikowski TechCrunch “All the data” suggests that Apple has indeed found a way to prevent Beeper Mini from working.

Launched on Tuesday, the Beeper Mini was used Reverse engineering iMessage protocols And encryption, using Apple’s own iMessage servers, allows Android users to send blue bubble iMessages to iPhone users. The app supports all iMessage functions including read receipts, typing indicators, reactions and more.

Beeper Mini doesn’t require an Apple ID, a departure from other, less secure Android apps like Sunbird and iMessage. How the Beeper Mini Works Explained in depth In a blog post, Apple offers insight into how it works. Beeper Mini used reverse engineering by security researcher jjtech He outlined his methodology and shared the source for the iMessage implementation on Github.

The app communicated directly with Apple’s iMessage servers, and registered Beeper users’ phone numbers as iMessage users to allow Blue Bubble access. After the Beeper Mini was introduced, there was immediate speculation that Apple would shut it down, but it’s unclear whether Apple can do it in a way that mimics real iMessage users.

Apple seems to have found a way, so this could be the end of the Beeper Mini. Michikowski said TechCrunch The company will “evaluate the options” to find out what that means for the future of the app.

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