Vote for the Starbucks workers, Aris., Union in Mesa

First they won the buffalo. Now they have a win on the other side of the country.

On Friday, a Starbucks worker in the National Labor Relations Board, Mesa, Aris, voted 25 to 3 to unionize, with three challenging votes. As a result, the union tripled the number of stores owned by the company to about 9,000 nationwide.

This is the first victory for the union since two shops voted to unionize in Buffalo in December, but it marks the beginning of a major trend. More than 100 Starbucks stores in more than 25 states have petitioned for union elections, most of them since that first victory. The next count could come from three more stores in the buffalo area where votes have already been registered. Starbucks workers in cities including Boston, Chicago and Seattle are planning to vote or are set to vote in the coming months.

“This is another historic moment for Starbucks partners and service staff across the country,” said Michelle Hedg, the store’s shift supervisor. “This movement started in the buffalo and now we have brought it across the country.”

Starbucks spokesman Reggie Borges said there was no change in the company’s position. “As we have said throughout, we value the process and will negotiate with good faith under our guidance. Policies“He said:” We hope the union will do the same.

Lawyers advising companies on labor relations, Workers United, a subsidiary of the Service Employees International Union, appear to have had considerable speed in organizing Starbucks workers.

Jones Day’s executive attorney, Brian West Easley, said: “It’s clear that the trade union is very sympathetic to what it’s selling.

The company sought to share its concerns about unionizing, in part, by challenging the union store to the store in general, competing on the voting board for each election before the Labor Board, and sending company officials to the cities where workers filed for election. Challenges Misa and Buffalo delayed the second round of vote counting.

But if Starbucks continues to fail, especially as the number of stores filing for the election increases, Mr said it will be harder to maintain that approach. Easley argued.

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“It gets bigger, the resources are further expanded and they become more inefficient,” he said. “The ability to push back is declining as numbers increase.”

At least one prominent Starbucks investor echoed that concern, arguing that the company was wasting money in its efforts to oppose the union. “The company spends some time and money to present these arguments before the NLRB,” said Jonas Krone, Attorney General for Trillium Asset Management, which further invests in environmental, social and administrative goals. About $ 43 million worth of shares in Starbucks at the end of last year. “They do not feel like they are making good use of investor resources – partner resources.”

Mr. There is Crone and Trillium The company insisted We need to take a neutral stance towards the union. Other labor experts have suggested that it may or may not be necessary to do so.

Amy Stravecki, executive attorney at Barnes & Thornburg, said: “I’m sure there will be a turning point at some point.” How many losses do you have before you change strategy? “

Ms Zdravecky added that the union’s ability to win elections in a state that does not generally sympathize with organized workers, that the campaign is enduring, and that one danger of the Starbucks’ anti-union stance is that it could begin to alienate the company’s liberalism. – Inclined customer base.

“Fighting unions do not conform where they want to be elsewhere,” he said.

Many of the issues cited by workers in Mesa in their decision to support the union were similar to those identified by buffalo workers, such as workers and Govt-19 security. Liz Alanna, the store’s shift supervisor, said customers sometimes waited 45 minutes after submitting a mobile order because there were not enough barristers to handle the sound. “The lobby is full of people waiting,” Ms. Alanna said.


The Mesa campaign had additional equipment that raised workers’ shares. In early October, store manager Brittany Harrison was diagnosed with leukemia. The company initially marched behind him, Ms Harrison said in an interview, but its posture later changed.

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“I’m going to approach the district manager and it’s going to be voice mail or ring forever. She will not call back,” he said. Other employees, such as Ms. Harrison and Ms. Alanna, said they had repeatedly tried to help the store assistant manager but no one came.

The situation came to a head when Ms Harrison was unwell at the store on Friday, November 12, and then issued her two-week notice.

Workers at the store filed a petition for union elections next week. “We had a very easy time moving forward,” Ms Alanna said, citing frustration at how the company had treated Ms Harrison.

Mr. Borges said the company had supported Mr Harrison throughout his tenure and offered to provide an assistant manager if he went on leave, which he had not yet done.

Starbucks’ approach to the union election in Mesa was similar to that in Buffalo. The company sent a variety of executives to the store, including two new managers, at least two new assistant managers, a senior human resources officer based in Colorado, a senior manager who worked in California, and a regional vice president based in Colorado.

Workers said they felt that managers and other officials had some degree of oversight over them. Ms. Hejdook said the new managers seemed to be implementing a policy in which she said there should always be at least one manager for “babysitting” in the store.

Ms. Hejduk, who had a key and had previously worked frequently in the store without a manager, said she had been told one morning that the store would be closed and that her shift would be canceled because the manager did not show up. File union election. He said the policy was relaxed after the end of the union vote.

In Mesa, at least like one of the buffalo shops, Starbucks brought in many new workers after the election filing, who usually trained for a few weeks at other stores. The union argued that the off-site training was to ensure that workers began their work without any contact with union supporters and that workers were brought in to dilute support for the union. The union won a challenge, arguing that some of the new workers were not working in the store enough to qualify to vote. In similar terms In the buffalo.

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He said officials were addressing operational issues such as hiring staff and soliciting input from workers and teaching them about the dangers posed by the union. Borges said, however, that Starbucks respects the trade union rights of its employees. He added that a separate location focused on instructing new employees allowed the company to train them more efficiently and that all workers who received ballots were eligible under the NLRB rules. He said it is a policy from time to time to have a manager at all times when there is a new head in a store.

Mesa and the number of three additional buffalo area stores were halted by administrative challenges over a key legal issue: formal voter registration for union elections.

In defiance of Starbucks, The The Labor Relations Board ruled Wednesday Shops can vote separately, without having to vote with other stores in the geographical area. The panel’s detailed judgment makes it very difficult to get the Starbucks issue elsewhere.

The unions generally support small-scale voting to reduce the number of votes needed to get a majority, at least in some places. Starbucks argued Because employees can work in multiple locations and district managers monitor them as an integrated team, stores in the same marketplace are like a unit.

In light of Starbucks’ recent failures, Mr. Jones’s Dave. Easley resigned himself in the presence of the union and said he would maintain the company to reduce the union’s influence. For example, he suggested that the Starbucks union could focus its opposition on already successful cities and ensure that there were not too many union stores.

“The next phase of this can be split and won,” he said. “Make sure they do not end up with voting blocks that can close business in a market.”

He added: “If they can control the market in a certain area, they have the power to do anything to Starbucks.”

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