Video shows a Ukrainian tank taking out a Russian tank in a one-on-one confrontation

New video shows a Ukrainian tank exploding a Russian tank in a single shot as the two sides fight in one of the country’s annexes.

The video was posted on Twitter By Ukraine Weapons Tracker, a joint account run by Caliber Obscura and Armoby Bazaar, a Ukrainian T-64BV from the 92nd Mechanized Brigade is shown destroying a Russian T-72B series tank in Novoselievsky, in Luhansk Oblast.

in sectionTanks face from long distances instantly. The Ukrainian T-64BV blew up the opponent’s tank in one shot, causing flames to burst, and took another shot about 20 seconds later.

Above, a Ukrainian tank drives on a road near Pakhmut, in Donetsk region, on December 2, 2022, amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. New video from December 11, 2022 shows a Ukrainian tank destroying a Russian tank in Luhansk during a one-on-one confrontation.
Anatoly Stepanov/AFP via Getty Images

Luhansk, along with Donetsk, includes the larger Donbas region and shares a long eastern border with Russia. Luhansk and Donetsk were two of the four regions Russia annexed it in September.

Newsweek The location of the video could not be independently verified and has reached out to the Ukrainian and Russian defense ministries for comment.

Ukrainian Ministry of Defense did He tweeted the same videoHowever, the credit goes to the 92nd Mechanized Brigade.

In the daily update of the liquidated Russian weapons and personnel, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine mentioned that approximately 94,760 Russian soldiers were killed between 24 February and 12 December.

A total of 2,966 Russian tanks were destroyed in the same period of time. Including 24 tanks Destroyed on Sunday alone.

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The T-64BV is a modernized version of the original T-64B battle tank, but with an upgraded armor package, at the Army’s discretion. Production of the original tank began in 1985 and since then it has been used in Russia, Uzbekistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Ukraine.

The T-72B MBT is also a modified version of the tank that originally entered service with the Russian Army in 1984. The tank’s turret has an armor package that is said to offer a much higher degree of protection than any previous model, including a glacis plate with 20 mm of armor Ornate, at the discretion of the military.

A report on Sunday from the city of Kadiivka in the Luhansk region said that a hotel housing the Wagner mercenary group made up of Russian private military contractors (PMCs) was Ukrainian forces hit it.

Luhansk Governor Serhiy Hayday said that about half of the private military companies are expected to die as a result of the attack.

Fighting continues as already high temperatures near the Russia-Ukraine border continue to drop.

On Sunday, while acknowledging that wet soil could make the ongoing conflict more difficult, Ukraine’s Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov vowed that Ukrainian forces would. continue to defend their territory.

Reznikov said in remarks translated to Moscow Times.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in early December that he believed Russia was trying “Freeze” the conflict in order to “regroup and launch a bigger attack later”.

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