Ukraine bombs an apartment building in Russia, killing 15 people, officials say

Russian officials said that at least 13 bodies were recovered from the rubble.

LONDON – A 10-storey residential building in Belgorod, Russia, was hit by a Ukrainian missile overnight, a local governor said.

The number of deaths rose to 15 people, according to an update issued by the Ministry of Emergency Situations on Sunday.

“The city of Belgorod and the Belgorod region were subjected to a large-scale attack by the Ukrainian armed forces,” Vyacheslav Gladkov, governor of the Belgorod region, said in a post on the Telegram app.

The Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement that the Ukrainian Tochka-U missile that struck the building was among several missiles launched by Ukraine during the night. The ministry said it was not clear whether the missile hit the building as a target or whether the damage was caused by fragments of a dropped missile.

Search and rescue workers initially recovered the bodies of 11 people from under the rubble of the residential building, according to the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Ukrainian military officials did not immediately comment on the allegations, which could not be immediately verified.

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In the images, the central part of the residential building on Kharkovskaya Gora appeared to have been completely destroyed, with the remaining building standing on either side of the gap.

ABC News’ Dragana Jovanovic and Helena Skinner contributed to this report.

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