Two classic adventure games from the ’90s get an unexpected remake

screenshot: Twinsen’s Little Big Adventure

Our collective video game memory is a weird thing. Few games from decades past stick to The Pantheon, where they will be talked about and remembered for all time. Meanwhile, others could be the biggest releases of their time, only to disappear and never to be heard from again.

Little big adventure is one of those games. Released in 1994, it was a huge deal! It’s graced the covers of magazines, garnered rave reviews, and was notable not only for its stunningly balanced visuals, but also for its unique art style and puzzle design. It sold a lot of copies all over the world, but one market that didn’t do very well was the United States. Which often explains the game’s omission from The Pantheon, given the American-centric nature of its game writing and criticism.

It’s great to hear, then, that a small team – currently working on attempts to reboot the franchise – have decided to remake both the original game and its sequel in Unreal Engine 5. They’re not doing it out of the goodness of their hearts alone. They do this to generate enough interest in the series to help the publisher agree to pay development costs on the reboot project.

Photo for the article Two Classic 90s Adventure Games Get Unexpected Returns

screenshot: Twinsen’s Little Big Adventure

Everyone wins! We’re getting remakes of two of the greatest adventure games ever made, and if they do a good job, we’ll get a new Little Big Adventure to go along with them.

Every game will benefit from Graphical and technical fix With Unreal Engine 5. from Epic Games, that means we’ll be faithfully rebuilding both games from scratch. In order to improve the experience, we will also Reworked Twinsen controls And Adding new features. The option to use the controls of the original game will of course still be there for those who want to play as in the original games. This work will also be suitable for Re-mastering of the original music by composer Philippe VacciTo ensure you have the best possible experience.

The first game will release a demo during the upcoming Steam Neo Fest (June 19-26), with the team’s announcement blog stating that both games will be out by 2024, the series’ 30th anniversary.

there is more On the official website of the project.

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