Trump withdrew the approval of ‘awake’ Mo Brooks

Ex President TrumpRaymondo announces Britain’s agreement on steel, aluminum tariffs aimed at regime change in Russia with five takeaways as Jackson faces tough questions from Donald Trump, GOP, Greek ambassador adds Has pulled his approval of the representative. Mo BrooksMorris (Mo) Jackson Brooks Trump seeks to cancel Brooks’ approval of Alabama Senate Amid Trump’s criticism, Republicans are increasing support for candidates dropped by Trump Brooks. In this year’s Alabama Senate primary, he slammed the Republican Party for “awakening” and for being unfaithful to him for questioning his claims about the 2020 presidential election.

“When I supported Mo Brooks, he had a 44-point lead, and he was unstoppable. Then he hired a new campaign staff who convinced him ‘smartly’ to ‘stop talking about the 2020 election’,” Trump said in a statement Wednesday. . morning.

“It’s very sad, but because he decided to go the other way, I, too, withdraw my approval of Mo Brooks for the Senate. I do not think the big people of Alabama will agree with me. Election fraud will be caught and stopped, otherwise we will no longer have a country.”

Trump was Thinks to withdraw his support Brooks is said to have met for some time and other candidates in the Republican primary, including Katie Britt, a former aide to the retiring Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.)

The former president also spoke Brooks’ comments at a rally Trump said last year’s 2020 election encouraged people to move, which is subject to electoral fraud.

“I’m disappointed he gave a vague answer, I need to find out what he means,” Trump said last week of former President Brooks, referring to the Alabama legislator as “how he sounded.” “No problem” in withdrawing his consent.

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In his Wednesday statement, Trump echoed those comments, saying Brooks had “made a terrible mistake when he ‘woke up’ recently and referred to the 2020 presidential election fraud, saying” put it behind you, put it behind you “.

A Digital advertising Since the beginning of this week, Brooks has vowed to support Sen’s removal. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) From his role as GOP chairman, he was seen by many as an attempt to appeal to Trump, who has a long-standing relationship with McCann.

“Today, I release my pledge to the United States to open fire Mitch McConnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnellHealth Care – Schumer seeks way forward with the help of Covit-19 Schumer joins GOP to seek corona virus help.. The United States cannot buy a weak, indebted, open-border Rhino Republican and, worse, a Senate president who sells the United States for special interest group money, “Brooks said, using the acronym” Republic of the Republic. “

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