Trump called Fox News’ Chiron Biden a ‘wannabe dictator’ during the speech

In a Miami court, former President Donald J. During footage of him speaking from the White House on Tuesday, the same day Trump was indicted on federal crimes, a Fox News anchor referred to President Biden as a “wannabe dictator.”

The screen text appeared briefly at the bottom of a split-screen broadcast that showed President Biden and former President Trump speaking from their respective podiums at the White House and the Trump Golf Club in Bedminster, NJ.

“Wannabe dictator speaks at White House after arresting political rival,” Chiron read. This is Mr. Biden was not mentioned by name, but the implication was clear.

The warning appeared at the end of the 8 p.m. broadcast of “Fox News Tonight,” which recently replaced a prime-time show hosted by Tucker Carlson, the popular nightside host who was axed by the network in April. Mr. Biden was shown speaking at a holiday event on the South Lawn of the White House on Tuesday.

The term “wannabe dictator” was unusually strong even for the network, which is generally friendly with the Trump White House and has been harshly critical of the Biden administration.

On Tuesday’s edition of “Fox News Tonight,” host Brian Guillemard, Mr. Incorrectly referred to Trump as “”.President of the United States” before he began speaking at his New Jersey club.

Representatives for Fox News did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

A front-runner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, Mr. Trump on Tuesday became the first former president to be indicted for federal crimes. He has pleaded not guilty to 37 charges related to handling classified documents after leaving office and refusing to return them.

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Then on Tuesday, after President Biden Gave feedback During a White House reception for American diplomats, Mr. He declined to answer questions from reporters in the room about Trump’s court appearance.

Many major television networks have Mr. In May, CNN refused to air Trump’s speeches live, saying Mr. When she held a town hall with Trump, she was heavily criticized by viewers, who called the decision to broadcast the event live irresponsible.

Since the 2020 election, Fox News has periodically featured Mr. In other cases, like Tuesday, the network has given them prime-time slots.

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