The White House says Biden has agreed to meet with Putin “on policy grounds” until Russia invades Ukraine.

The meeting will take place after a meeting between US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on February 24.

However, in a statement, US officials said Psaki seemed to be underestimating the chances of a meeting actually taking place. More likely Putin may soon launch an invasion. Other U.S. officials have not commented on the timing, format or location of the meeting.

“We are always ready for diplomacy. We are also prepared to impose rapid and severe consequences if Russia chooses war. At present, Russia seems to be preparing for a full-scale offensive against Ukraine,” Psaki said in a statement. Sunday night.

According to the Elysee Palace report, the proposed summit was proposed by French President Emmanuel Macron during repeated phone calls with Biden and Putin on Sunday.

As the crisis in Europe unfolds, Macron has emerged as a diplomat. He met with Putin in Moscow earlier this month and spoke with the Russian leader twice on the phone on Sunday. French officials say his efforts in diplomacy reflect a willingness to explore every possible way to avoid conflict.

The French president’s statement said the summit would be followed by a meeting of “relevant stakeholders to discuss security and strategic stability in Europe.” Macron “will work with all stakeholders to prepare the content of these discussions.”

It did not specify who those partners were.

U.S. officials continue to say that Biden is ready to engage with Putin, even as he prepares to impose sanctions in the event of another Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“If President Biden can help prevent a war at any time, in any form, he is ready to engage with President Putin.” Blinken said Sunday CNN’s “State of the Union.”
Biden had a premium on meeting leaders face-to-face and met with Putin during a summit in Geneva in June. The The two last spoke on the phone Last Saturday.

U.S. officials say Putin’s intentions are difficult to understand as he concentrates his forces on Ukraine’s borders. They say he also hides his plans from his senior advisers.

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On Sunday, a White House official said that Biden and Lavrov would discuss a possible summit between Biden and Putin when they meet in Europe this weekend, but added a note of caution to those talks.

“Blingen and Lavrov will discuss further if the invasion has not yet begun – then it has all been disabled,” the official said.

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