The United States considers ‘powerful’ export restrictions against Russia amid Ukraine tensions

Washington: The United States is prepared to impose sanctions and export restrictions on key sectors of the Russian economy under Russian President Vladimir Putin. Occupies UkraineU.S. officials said.

“The export control options we are considering with our allies and partners will severely affect Putin’s strategic ambitions to industrialize the economy, and it could affect areas of importance to him in artificial intelligence, quantum computing or security, or aerospace or other key sectors,” a senior executive said.

Executives declined to provide further details on the types of sanctions it would impose, but said the measures would increase sales in Russian markets, increase the country’s borrowing costs and affect the value of Russia’s currency.

White House officials Preparing for Russian invasion Russia infiltrates Ukraine after deploying more than 100,000 troops on the country’s border. In addition to sanctions, the United States has said it will do the same Strengthen NATO forces In Eastern Europe. On Monday, the Pentagon announced that it was ready to send 8,500 troops to the area.

President Biden told a news conference that the United States was ready to unleash sanctions on Russia if President Vladimir Putin took action against Ukraine. Biden also outlined a possible diplomatic resolution. Photo: Susan Walsh / Associated Press (Video from 1/19/22)

U.S. officials say a consensus is emerging on future sanctions between the U.S. and European countries. It also promises that the United States will work to protect its energy supply if Putin invades Ukraine. U.S. officials say they are looking for energy reserves within North Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the United States

“Accordingly, we are in discussions with major natural gas producers around the world, with the option of temporarily increasing their capacity and natural gas production and allocating these quantities to European buyers,” a senior official said.

The US announcement comes a day after President Biden discussed the Ukraine crisis with several European leaders. Leaders, including British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholes, discussed sanctions and the harmonization of the situation in Ukraine.

The leaders agreed that no major obstacles should be taken from the table, an EU official said, adding that some could only be used as a last resort. These include measures that could harm Western countries, such as disconnecting Russia from the SWIFT financial network that helps banks settle transactions around the world, and banning energy imports from Russia.

“The leaders agreed that in the event of another Russian incursion into Ukraine, the allies would have to implement unprecedented retaliatory measures, including sanctions,” he said. Johnson’s office said in a statement after the call. “They decided to coordinate closely following such a response.”

Write to Lawrence Norman at [email protected]

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