The Twitter CEO faces employee anger over Musk attacks at a company-wide meeting

Twitter CEO Barak Agarwal They tried to quell employee anger during a company-wide meeting on Friday. Elon Musk.

The meeting comes after Tesla CEO Musk repeatedly criticized the company for concluding a $ 44 billion deal to buy social media. Content of Twitter High authority responsible for setting moderate procedures and speech and security policies.

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At an Inner Town Hall meeting asked by Reuters, executives said the company would monitor the number of employees on a daily basis, but it was too early to say how the purchase agreement with Musk would affect the retention of employees.

Twitter CEO Barack Agarwal (Photo taken by ROBYN BECK / AFP via Getty Images | twitter / Getty Images)

Musk has raised lenders on board and board salaries, but according to sources familiar with the matter, the exact cost cuts are not clear. One source said Musk would not make decisions about job cuts until he accepted Twitter’s rights.

“I’m tired of hearing about the value and trust obligation of shareholders. What are your honest thoughts on the possibility that many employees will lose their jobs after the contract is terminated?” A Twitter employee asked Agarwal, a question that was read aloud during the meeting.

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Agarwal responded by saying that Twitter has always cared about its employees and will continue to do so.

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“I hope the future Twitter system will continue to care about its impact on the world and its customers,” he said.

Elon Musk

Elon Musk donated $ 44 billion to Twitter. (Getty Images / Getty Images)

During the meeting, executives said that the employee enrollment rate had not changed compared to previous levels of news that Musk was interested in buying the company.

In recent days, Musk has tweeted critical of Vijaya Gade, Twitter’s top lawyer, who is a Twitter senior and widely respected across Silicon Valley. Muskin’s attack targeted her and sparked online harassment.

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Employees told executives that Muskin’s erratic behavior would disrupt Twitter’s business, and that it would be financially vulnerable as the company prepares to address the world of advertising at a presentation in New York next week.

A sign has been posted outside Twitter headquarters in San Francisco. (AP Photo / Jet Jacobson / AP Newsroom)

An employee asked if we had a strategy on how to deal with advertisers pulling investment.

Sarah Personnet, Twitter’s chief customer officer, said the company works to keep in touch with advertisers and reassure them that “the way we serve our customers has not changed.”

After the meeting, a Twitter employee told Reuters he did not believe what executives were saying.

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“PR talk did not go down. They told us not to leak and do the work you are proud of, but the staff did not have a clear incentive to do this,” the employee told Reuters, noting that compensation for non-executive staff is now closed due to the contract.

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Agarwal is expected to receive $ 42 million if he is fired within 12 months of taking control of the social media company, according to Equilar Research.

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During the meeting, Agarwal urged employees to look forward to change in the future under the new leadership, and acknowledged that the company could have performed better over the years.

“Yes, we could have done things differently and better. I could have done things differently. I think a lot about that,” he said.

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Twitter declined to comment further.

(Sheila Tang in Dallas and Katie Paul in Palo Alto, California; Editing Baby Nomiyama, Kenneth Lee and Daniel Wallis)

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