The 5 Signs That You May Have a Gambling Addiction

Gambling is fun and suspenseful for those who have the finances to put out the bets. However, compulsive gambling can become an addiction if you are not too careful. Gambling addiction can lead to broken relationships amongst family and friends, severe debt, and crimes committed if the addiction goes too far.

Log on to Casino777 when you are ready to play your next game of slots or blackjack. However, remember to bet wisely and know your betting limits. In the meantime, learn about the five signs

1. You Are Lying To Family Members About Finances

If you are using money that should have been used to pay the mortgage or utility bills towards gambling bets, you may have a gambling addiction. When you engage in gambling, you should designate a set discretionary amount of funds for betting. Once they have been exhausted, you should forgo gambling until you have enough discretionary income to do so again.

Those who overdo gambling do not set limits on their betting and eventually dip into their bill money to satisfy their gambling cravings. One study of Gamblers Anonymous members showed that 57% of surveyed participants admitted to pilfering money to satisfy their gambling addiction which equated to $30 million in stolen funds. Hence, most gambling addicts are being dishonest with family members they live with saying that certain bills are paid when they are not.

2. You Are Willing to Commit Gambling Fraud

Perhaps you have maxed out your credit cards and do not have any cash on hand to make your bets. If you take a credit card that belongs to your wife, roommate, parent, or whomever you live with and make gambling bets using it without their permission, this is a crime. If the credit card owner chooses, they can file charges against you for credit card fraud. According to the online casino, this crime can also be designated as gambling fraud.

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3. All You Think and Do Is Related To Gambling

Becoming addicted to gambling could mean that all you think and do is related to that action. Here are some more things that could be happening to you if this sign of gambling addiction relates to you:

  • You wake up and the first thing you think about each day is gambling.
  • You spend many hours at a physical or online casino.
  • You forgo a self-care routine such as showering, teeth brushing, or changing clothes to focus more on gambling.
  • You look up articles about how to increase your winning odds when playing different casino games.
  • The conversations you have with family and friends are about chasing money and winning casino games.

4. Your Career Suffers

Whether your job performance worsens at work or you call out of work more often to focus on online gambling, your career could suffer if you have a gambling addiction. As call-outs increase without a doctor’s note, you risk the chance of being fired from your current job. If you lose your job, you will not have money to pay your bills and other debts. Unemployment benefits take a while to kick in and pay out less than what your job paid you, which puts you in a bad position.

5. You Have a Co-Occurring Disorder

Co-occurring disorders can happen if you gamble too much. Whether you are facing depression, PTSD, suicidal thoughts, or substance abuse, one or more of these co-occurring disorders could be happening alongside your gambling addiction.

If you are depressed or enduring PTSD, gambling may be a coping mechanism to work through the pain and sadness. Severe gambling could also be a safety gate for reducing your suicidal thoughts as the feeling of chasing the possibility of more money in your life could be how you see your self-worth.

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One study found that 73% of compulsive gamblers also had an alcohol abuse issue. Regular alcohol consumption reduces realistic cognition and causes riskier-than-normal decision-making.

Final Thoughts

If the thought and desire to gamble are taking you away from your daily self-care, responsibilities, and quality time with loved ones, you may have a gambling addiction. Remember that you can gamble within healthy limits. Seek help if you feel you have a gambling problem by calling 1-800-GAMBLER.

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