Stellar Blade makes the new PS5+ game the right way

Fortunately, none of you will face this problem, as the game was updated hours before launch with New Game +. It should be noted that this A amazing New game + situation in general. As you’d expect, all your abilities and unlocks will continue, but the Korean developer has gone the extra mile by expanding Eve’s skill tree with new abilities.

While these new abilities don’t necessarily change the game, they do add some new tools to your arsenal, keeping the gameplay fresh. Pair this with some subtle changes in enemy position, and you’re virtually guaranteed an enjoyable second experience. What’s more, all of Exospins The gear you unlock in New Game+ is upgraded, allowing you to create more power Builds for Eve.

Image: Payment Square

And last but not least a number clothes It is doubled as well. While most of the skins are simple palette swaps, many have unique custom details, making it fun to open them all for a second time. We document All groups and how to unlock them In our guide, so if you haven’t gotten to New Game+ yet, you can take a look at what’s on the horizon through the link.

The only criticism we have of this mode is that the difficulty level isn’t as expansive as it could be, and you’ll likely find yourself seriously OP, even on hard mode. There’s satisfaction in feeling powerful, of course, but personally we’d like to see Shift Up expand on the ideas here and introduce more difficult New Game+ levels just to expand replayability.

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In fact, while the developer is at it, maybe we can get some other modes to encourage more runs – a fun Speed ​​Run option, perhaps? It’s rare for a campaign to feel as tight and replayable as Stellar Blade, but Shift Up did something special here, and we’d love to see more reasons to return added as the release matures.

Hands-on: Stellar Blade plays the new PS5+ game the right way 3
Image: Payment Square

Have you started your new game + running Stellar Blade yet? What are your thoughts on the mod, and are there any other post-release additions you’d like to see included? Let us know in the comments section below.

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