Speed up macOS Ventura with These Easy Hacks

One of the most upsetting feelings you might experience is your new macOS Ventura not performing as well as you had hoped. You might have quickly updated your system with the release of the public beta version because you couldn’t wait to try out the Stage Manager and Continuity Camera features, but now you are disappointed. Fortunately, you can take steps to improve the sluggish behavior of macOS Ventura and speed things up. Take a look.

Disable all the Memory & CPU Intensive Apps/Processes

An in-built software on Macs is the Activity Monitor. This software allows users to monitor memory, CPU, and storage usage. The Activity Monitor shows all the processes running and how much RAM or memory is consumed by each one.

You can open Spotlight by pressing the Command + Spacebar key. Then, search for Activity Monitor in Spotlight’s search bar. Open the Activity Monitor and choose the Memory tab. Here, you can see a list of all the currently active programs, processes, and apps. You can also see their RAM usage. You can close all the memory-intensive programs to speed up macOS Ventura, and the same action can also be performed for the CPU tab.

By disabling such resource-intensive apps, you are freeing up system resources and allowing your computer to function seamlessly without glitches.

Update all the Applications

So, you have updated your device to Ventura but encountered apps not launching on new macOS issues? Apps might even crash or become unresponsive. This may slow down your system and stop you from finishing your tasks. Fortunately, the problem isn’t that serious and can be solved quickly.

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One of the reasons why apps might be crashing or not launching on the new macOS is that the apps are not updated. Therefore, they are incompatible with the latest version. You must go to the App Store and check for any pending updates. If so, you must update all the apps and then restart your device. After that, the apps should function correctly.

Alternatively, you can uninstall the problematic applications and reinstall them. The problem should be resolved.

Prevent Programs or Apps from Starting Automatically at Startup

If your computer is running slowly, you must examine the number of programs or apps starting automatically as soon as you switch on your device. If the startup list is filled with different programs, it might be the reason why your system is taking too long to boot up. But, on the other hand, you might not even need all those automated app launches. So, go through the startup list and make changes to speed up macOS Ventura.

To trim down the startup list and stop apps from launching automatically, go to the Apple Menu > click System Preferences > choose Users & Groups > head over to the Login Items tab and find the list of apps or programs that are meant to launch automatically > click the Lock symbol to make changes and then enter your Username, and Password > click on the minus button to start removing items from the login list that you no longer require > click the Lock button again after you are done.

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Then, you can check if this has made any difference by restarting your computer. If your computer boots up faster, your device’s speed has improved.

Clean & Organize your Desktop

Most users are habitually cluttering their desktops with files and documents. Anything and everything is kept on the desktop. While you might think this makes it easier to look for files, it makes it more difficult. If the desktop is cluttered, finding the document or file you need will take a long time. Moreover, a cluttered desktop will slow down your device. The logical thing to do here is to organize your desktop by creating a Sidebar in Finder so you can easily access the critical folders.

Choose Finder Preferences from the menu bar > select the Sidebar tab > After you have chosen what to display in the Finder sidebar, you must close Preferences >drag the files from your desktop and put them into the appropriate Finder directories. You can also organize your documents and files into as many folders or groups as you like for easy access.

Clear Cache Memory

The more you use your computer and perform actions, the more temporary files such as caches and logs are stored on your system. Ultimately, your Mac will become overburdened with cache files and might slow down. Therefore, it would be best to speed up your computer by deleting these redundant files. You can manually clear the cache by clicking the Finder button on your device > browse the ~/Library/Caches and /Library/Caches folders. Then, remove the cache files.

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The Bottom Line

This is a guide on how you can quickly speed up macOS Ventura and enjoy all the new features the operating system has to offer. Try them to find out which method is the best for you.

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