Solana’s ecosystem was hacked, draining millions of cryptocurrencies from 8000 hot wallets

Hackers have targeted Solana’s ecosystem, draining crypto funds from thousands of “hot” wallets connected to the Internet. Such attacks are common among blockchain platforms, but the news is still significant given the praise Solana has attracted as one of the fastest and cheapest digital asset trading ecosystems.

It appears that the hackers managed to steal Solana’s cryptocurrency (SOL) and some that are compatible with the Solana blockchain, such as the stablecoin USD Coin (USDC). As the attack continues, the value of the stolen assets is not clear, but reports from Independent Analysts And the Security companies like PeckShield Losses are estimated to reach $8 million.

Solana has suffered with security incidents in the past, including Spam Boot Reporting of DDOS attacks. Meanwhile, it also takes deposits for Saga It says it will launch next year with support for embedded network decentralized applications.

Solana’s official Twitter account says now That nearly 8,000 (up from 7,767 previously) were affected by the attack, including those operated by third parties Phantom and Slope. The company did not explain the reason for the attack, but indicated that there was no evidence that hardware (offline) wallets were affected.

In a tweet, the company’s status update said, “This does not appear to be a bug in Solana’s core code, but in software used by many software wallets popular among network users.”

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However, on Twitter, Solana co-founder Anatoly Yakovenko went into more detail, suggesting the hack Sounded like an attack on the supply chain It targets both iOS and Android apps (which means attackers have exploited some vulnerabilities in connected apps or browser extensions). as such Decrypt Reports, transactions are signed using users’ private keys, suggesting that the attackers somehow compromised the initial gateway used to secure their wallets.

Update August 2, 9:35AM ET: The latest updates have been added from Solana.

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