Shocking images show snowplows clearing city streets after the summer storm brings 12 inches of ice and snow

In one recent example of changing weather patterns around the world, the city of Reutlingen, Germany, experienced 12 inches of hail and snow earlier in August.

Officials in the southwestern German city described the event as a “local storm with hail and heavy rain.” It took 250 firefighters and several snowplows to clean up the damage from the unexpected storm, which included clogged drainage systems and the Echaz River 5 feet high and bursting its banks. Featured images from ES Euro here.

August is usually the warmest month in Reutlingen, with average temperatures ranging from 54.5 to 73.2 degrees Fahrenheit. August usually brings no snow, According to the weather atlasIt is the height of summer in the northern hemisphere.

As our planet continues to warm, due in large part to the burning of fossil fuels, that can paradoxically lead to an increase in blizzards. According to an article In Scientific American, “Warmer air can hold more moisture than cooler air. … This increased atmospheric moisture helps intensify the water cycle. … In addition to more precipitation total over a season and year, additional moisture also fuels Extreme phenomena, such as severe hurricanes and flooding rains.”

“Climate change can affect the timing, location, and amount of snowfall — as well as snowmelt patterns in spring — in complex ways.” Climate Central writes.

The people of Reutlingen were probably quite surprised to see 12 inches of hail and snow during the warmest month of the year. When it comes to changing weather patterns and extreme weather events, we can increasingly expect the unexpected, as our reliance on fossil fuels continues to wreak havoc on every aspect of life on our planet.

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Fortunately, some industries are starting to move beyond fossil fuels and toward electrification in an effort to reduce pollution and help save our planet.

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