Santiago Quino drinks champagne live to roast the queen’s death

An Argentine TV presenter opened a bottle of champagne and Toast the death of Queen Elizabeth II Live On Air Thursday – happily declaring that “the old kid is dead.”

Santiago Quiño, a Buenos Aires-based politician and journalist, was hosting a TV show when Buckingham Palace announced the The 96-year-old king dies.

In a clip of his show that went viral online, Cúneo is seen surrounded by white and blue balloons representing the colors of the Argentine flag.

Argentine TV host Santiago Kino drank a glass of champagne live in celebration of the death of Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday.
Twitter / @porquetendencia

He pours himself some champagne and starts eating finger sandwiches while the kiron flashes a message that reads: “The old bag is dead.”

Kino sneered at the contempt On the deceased British monarch They celebrated her death, saying, “The old boy died.”

“I did it for good,” he said on air. “Warm applause for the devil who finally took her.”

Keno deleted it with joy "Matt B - Old Chapter" After the news of the Queen's death spread on Thursday.
“The old baby is dead,” Cúneo asked gleefully, after the news of the Queen’s death was announced on Thursday.
Twitter / @porquetendencia

The announcer’s outburst is a clear expression of anti-British hostility in Argentina, which stems from Largely from the Falklands War of 1982When The United Kingdom sent a naval task force to regain control of the Falkland Islands After the invasion of Argentina.

Despite past grievances, the Argentine government has officially mourned the Queen’s death, saying she “accompanies the British people and her family in this moment of grief”.

Cúneo, a member of Argentina’s ruling Judicial Party, is no stranger to controversy.

In 2018, he was fired by news channel Cronica TV after being accused of launching anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, including an alleged plot to create a Jewish state in parts of Argentina and Chile.

Buckingham Palace announced the death of the 96-year-old king on Thursday.
Buckingham Palace announced the death of the 96-year-old king on Thursday.

While some Twitter users ridiculed Cúneo’s derision of the Queen’s death, others denounced him, saying he does not represent Argentina.

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“I am Argentine and this man does not represent me. We are sorry for this loss,” one Twitter user wrote.

The Queen’s death was met with derision and delight elsewhere on social media with many Twitter users invoking their anti-British hostility as well as their distaste for monarchies and royal families.

Jeff Bezos, co-founder of Amazon and one of the world’s richest people, Criticize Professor Carnegie Mellon who tweeted that she hoped the Queen would suffer a “horrific” death, citing British colonialism in the developing world.

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