Sandra Holler on Anatomy of a Fall: The Dark Horse of This Year's Oscars

The fictional Sandra is neither a femme fatale nor a frightened victim in this thriller-meets-courtroom drama written by Tritt and her partner Arthur Harary, who has co-written most of the films she has directed. The film Autopsy certainly contains one of the most interesting and memorable marital arguments ever seen in cinema. A particular scene went viral earlier this year, and now it's happening Just under 10 million views on TikTok. When the film premiered at Cannes, Justine Treat told the BBC that she wanted to explore the tensions in a long-term relationship.

“I think living together is very complicated,” she said at the time. “What do we owe each other, what do we give each other, what is love and how can we live together? It sounds very simple, but it is really a question.”

Holler agrees that the scene is “extraordinary” but believes that is due to the strength of the relationship between Treat and Harari.

“It's not because of us, it's because of the writing. It helps that the people who wrote it live together, and they wrote down their worst nightmares, and how things could really go wrong,” she points out.

“They went to a place that was really uncomfortable, I think. And I can only thank them for that because it was brave. I often talk about courage in filmmaking, but I think it was really brave of me to write this as a movie.” couple; I have a lot of respect for that.”

A global success story

Anatomy of the Fall is an examination of the breakdown of a relationship through the lens of a courtroom, and takes issue with the formality of the French legal system, already depicted in 2022 by Alice Diop in the film. Saint Omar As inherently biased towards women accused of crimes of passion.

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In the witness box, Sandra is questioned about her dedication as a wife and also as a mother to their young son Daniel (played by Milo Machado Graner) who happens to be blind and also the main witness. Her marital infidelities with men and women are exposed to court.

Does Sandra's bisexuality count against her in the courtroom, as some have argued? “It's interesting that this fact is scary for some people,” Holler answers. “Or does that make it, I don't know, less credible? I mean, let's not go there, it's just ridiculous.”

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