Sagittarius zodiac sign for March 2022

Your March Horoscope for Sagittarius

This will be an extraordinary month. It is as if the universe took on its finest jewelry-like features and scattered in the deep blue velvet evening sky in March. If you look at your solar chart, you will have time to focus on your personal life as all the planets orbit below the horizon almost every month.

Significantly, even one planet is reactionary, which is unusual. They all move directly, which means that each planet is strong and useful to you. Considering that Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto’s outer planets all retreat at the same time in four to five months, it says something! The retreat every three months is also straight Wednesday. Venus has been reactionary and will not go backwards from late October to mid-January 2023. This means that no matter what is on your list in March, you have an exceptional chance of making solid progress.

In particular, you can now focus more on your lifestyle, so if you want to move or buy property, this is the month to actively engage in looking at different properties because you have the best chance of hitting the spot. If you have dazzling features like yours, you should not solve anything less than your dream situation. Ideal for you to find a large space that is very sunny, close to the water level and has a view from a high place – and even with large shelves. This month is perfect for renting, buying or selling property, starting a renovation, putting up a swimming pool or enjoying some magical, artistic landscape.

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