Russia occupies Ukraine and Vladimir Putin’s news

A resident of the Ukrainian city of Kherson told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour that Russian soldiers were in Kherson, but that city insisted that “Ukrainian city, we want to be a Ukrainian city.”

“Our city … has been flooded by Russian occupiers, but the flag is still Ukrainian, and we hope it remains Ukrainian,” said Svetlana Zorina, a 27-year-old Kerson resident. “We trust our mayor. We trust our government. We trust our military. We believe in our success. We are a Ukrainian city, we want to be a Ukrainian city, “said Zorina.

In a statement shared on his Facebook page on Wednesday, Kherson Mayor Ihor Kolykhaiev said that the Ukrainian army was no longer in the city and that its citizens must now carry out the instructions of the “armed men who came to the city administration” – indicating that it was the city. Now it has come under Russian control.

British military intelligence, released early Thursday, noted that “some Russian troops have entered the town of Gershon”, but warned that the military situation on the ground was “not clear”.

In a statement on Thursday, Hernandez Lahuda, head of the Kersen regional state administration, said Russian forces had “completely” occupied the regional state administration building.

Zorina, who lives in Kherson, described the city’s underground situation to Amanpur. “We do not go out because it is dangerous. Today, for the first time, I realized that there was some food near a shop a hundred meters away from me, but we were surrounded by Russians and there was nothing, and it was not possible to serve food or medicine here.

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“So we try to save as much as we can, we have food, but it will be enough for two weeks,” he said.

Zorina said the city administration was working despite Russian misinformation. “Our mayor is in touch with us and the city administration is in touch with us. There are telegram channels. Our mayor’s office has a website and they share information with us and spread the word, ”he told CNN.

“There is a huge propaganda that the Russians are trying to spread among the German and Ukrainian people. We want to become part of the Crimea. That is not true. We do not want that. In the next two days the mayor tells us how the city will function, transport work for those who work in the power station, water station, etc.

When asked about Russia’s presence in the city, Sorina said, “Russian soldiers have no idea why they came here. They do not know what their target is. They are being treated badly.

Zorina described the dire humanitarian situation in the city as a result of the Russian occupation, and said “a lot of public buildings have been attacked … people are sitting in apartments or basements, and a woman – pregnant women have given birth to them. Children in the basement.”

“I do not want to leave. I do not want to become a refugee. I want to live in my country. I was born in Gershon. I have lived here all my life. I do not want to change it. I hope it will end soon. The Russian army is leaving, the residents are leaving,” he said. Said.

“I want to live in Ukraine. I am Ukrainian,” he added.

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