Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss: British PM’s race finalists pledge to expand Rwanda’s immigration policy

Former Finance Minister Rishi Sunak announced his plans to tackle illegal immigration in a nearly 5-minute video posted on Twitter on Sunday, in which he said the UK had lost control of its borders.

“Every year thousands upon thousands of people come to the UK illegally. A lot of the time, we don’t know who they are, where they come from, why they are here. These are not bad people. But this makes fun of our system and in the video,” Sunak said in the video. The current anarchic free world simply has no way for a serious country to manage itself.”

The measures he proposes include a cap set annually by the UK parliament on “the number of refugees we accept each year via safe and legal routes, and can be adjusted in the face of emergencies,” according to the plan posted on the Sunak campaign website.

He also introduced a procedure that would make “assistance, trade and visas conditional on the state’s willingness to cooperate on the return” of migrants who entered the UK illegally.

Sunak has also notably committed himself “to doing whatever it takes to launch our partnership with Rwanda and to work broadly and pursue other migration partnerships.”

The UK government’s partnership with the East African country has been heavily criticized since then It was announced by UK Home Secretary Priti Patel in April.

This policy will see asylum seekers deemed to have entered the UK illegally sent to Rwanda to process their asylum claims.

The first such flight to Rwanda was scheduled to take off on June 14, but the European Court of Human Rights intervened at the eleventh hour.

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Judicial review proceedings by a group of NGOs, asylum seekers and the civil service workers union to question the legality of the scheme are set to begin in the UK High Court on 5 September.

In an interview with Britain’s Mail on Sunday newspaper, British Foreign Secretary and Conservative Party leadership candidate, Liz Truss, backed the Rwanda plan, calling it “the right policy”.

She said she intends to “pursue the full implementation of the project” and even expand the project by exploring similar partnerships with other countries.

Publishing details of her immigration plans in a tweet on Sunday, Truss also pledged to increase frontline border force staff by 20% if elected as Conservative Party leader.

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