Recent Russia-Ukraine war news: live announcements

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky said on April 7 that the latest round of Western sanctions against Russia was “good, but not enough.” (Video: Reuters, Photo: Reuters)

In a video released overnight on Wednesday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said the latest round of Western sanctions against Moscow had not gone far enough, and he renewed his calls for a “complete siege” of Russian banks and oil.

“This set looks amazing, but it’s not enough,” Zhelensky said in his nightly speech.

Sanctions issued by the United States and European countries came in response to images of hundreds killed, some tied behind their hands, massacred in mass graves or massacred in Pucha, a Kiev suburb. .

But the new measures could not be called “equivalent to the evil the world has seen in Pucha, the continuing evil in Mariupol, the Kharkiv shelling, Russia’s attempt to launch a new global bloody attack on the Donbass.”

Zhelensky said the US move to prevent Russia from lending money to US banks was a “firm” move.

“I’m grateful for that,” he said. “But a lot more needs to be done to stop the war.”

He called on other leaders to provide more weapons to Ukraine and criticized those who were reluctant to impose a complete embargo on Russian energy exports, saying the situation was killing more Ukrainians every day.

“One of the foundations of Russia’s occupation was oil exports,” Zhelensky said.

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