Naftali Bennett dissolves the Israeli government and holds new elections

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Tel Aviv – Israeli Prime Minister Naphtali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapit announced on Monday that they planned to dissolve the Nazareth next week, setting the stage for the fifth round of general elections in four years.

If the vote to dissolve parliament is passed, Lapid will become caretaker prime minister, although Bennett will remain in charge of the Iranian portfolio, as outlined in their devolution agreement. According to Israeli media, the election is likely to take place on October 25.

“We have the country to run,” Bennett told Lapid in a television joint statement. The lights in the press room were turned off for a while. “How symbolic is that,” Labyrinth said.

Bennett and Labyrinth have said it before Left-wing pacifists, right-wing supporters of Jewish settlers and parties, including for the first time in Israeli history, have “exhausted their options to stabilize” their alliance formed by the ideological kaleidoscope. The coalition united a year ago in a bid to oust former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Bennett listed the achievements of the government, including the success of “preventing the signing of a new nuclear deal” between Iran and the world powers “without destroying relations with the United States.”

Iran has been rushing to secure “substantially enriched uranium” since the nuclear talks stalled in March, the International Atomic Energy Agency said earlier this month. Under the original agreement, Iran agreed to sharp limits on the quantity and quality of its enriched uranium.

For weeks, the Israeli ruling coalition has been tottering on the brink of collapse, with three members, including two from Bennett’s own right – wing Yamina party, leaving, snatching the government’s majority and the ability to legislate.

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To accelerate the collapse of the coalition earlier this month, Netanyahu, the longest-serving prime minister in Israeli history, rallied his party and other pro-immigration lawmakers to vote against an unconventional move to enforce civil law. For Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank.

Bennett said in a television statement that the expiration of the West Bank Act would have “damaged Israel’s security and caused chaos that I cannot allow.” The expected dissolution of the Knesset next week means an automatic renewal of the law.

“This is good news for millions of Israeli citizens,” Netanyahu said in a video on Twitter. “Israel is a government that returns national pride to its citizens, so you can raise your head and walk the streets.”

“What we need to do today is return to the idea of ​​Israeli unity. Dark forces should not tear us from within, ”Lapid said in a televised statement, referring to the intensified secession in Netanyahu’s 12 years as prime minister.

The development comes a week after President Biden announced plans for a July 14 visit to Israel, the West Bank and Saudi Arabia. Israeli media reported that his trip would take place as planned.

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