Mystery over Elon Musk Twitter plan after encrypted tweet ‘go on’ | Elon Musk

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk on Sunday threw some uncertainty into his plans to acquire social media platform Twitter by Post a message which she said was “moving forward”.

Musk is known for his ambiguous messages on Twitter, which he often uses to attack people, spread insults, or simply make jokes. The exact meaning of the latest encrypted message was unclear, as is simply said: “moving forward …”.

But this post came after an exciting week in which Musk, the world’s richest man, secured $46.5 billion in funding to fund a potentially hostile person. try to twitterIncluding $21 billion of his own money.

Funding commitments are identified in A deposit Last week with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Musk already owns 9.2% of the social media platform and last week announced a bid of $54.20 per share.

Musk’s offer is seen as hostile because it bypasses the company’s board of directors. Twitter also launched the so-called Defending toxic pillsWith the aim of preventing Musk from building a stake greater than 15%.

Musk has called himself “the absolute freedom of speech” and has made it clear that he believes in it Twitter It does not give enough freedom to millions of users. In a letter to Twitter’s board of directors, he said the platform “needs to go private.” He has reported the changes he might bring to the company, including the introduction of an edit button for tweets.

See also  Twitter says in court filing that Elon Musk is under federal investigation

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