Motorized gaming bed lets you rest your head

here in the edgewe like to write occasionally about Game Thrones, whether that is in the form of scorpionsAnd semicirclesor… well, I’m not sure How do I describe this. But the important thing about thrones is that the crown often weighs heavy – being the best player and playing the game all round It can be tiring. Luckily, Gizmodo Found The one thing that helps with that: a motorized gaming bed that takes you from sleeping to pwning mode with the push of a button, while keeping your gaming setup close at hand.

The Bohot electric gaming bed And bed desk Designed to work in tandem: Your rig rests on the adjustable desk, which is designed with a bed to rest under, and the bed frame uses motors to raise your back and knees to a sitting position (although admittedly not a comfortable one) . After a gaming session, you can use the remote control stored at your bedside to lower yourself back into a sleeping position, so you can turn around and rest your weary eyes. It can also raise or lower the head and foot sections separately, giving you some configurable sleeping and sitting positions.

There is also a fleet of accessories. Bauhutte’s website suggests pairing your gaming bed with it “power chariot” Who stores gaming fuel, a Clothes rack, table and storage unit combo (for gaming peripherals, of course), or even “Ninja Nessie 4G” This makes you disguised as if you were in the game. Bauhutte doesn’t just sell you a gaming bed/chair – it sells you a lifestyle. It is noteworthy that the company has apparently been operating up to this point: there was a file Non-motorized version From preparing the gaming bed in 2020, and in 2021 we I heard about the gaming bed. Now, it all comes together in robotic bliss.

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Sleep in a Ninja Onesie 4G, surrounded by your Bauhutte products.
Photo: Bauhutte

While I don’t imagine this product is very comfortable as a bed or a chair, I don’t think it’s entirely fair to write this product out entirely. For someone who lives in a very small space such as a single bedroom or studio apartment, this can actually be a convenient way to fit both a bed and desk in a tight area. It can also be useful for people with limited mobility; Some mechanical help to get out of bed can be an extraordinary help.

Gizmodo The bed frame is reported to cost about $480 (or 59,800 yen) by itself, and a seller listed it on Amazon for about $680 (84,709 yen) with games rank. The frame is approximately 78 inches long, 37 inches wide, which allows it to carry american twin mattress. Unfortunately, Bauhutte seems to be too Mainly focus On sale the bed in its native Japan, the single frame is Sold on Amazon Japan.

Thank God there Lots of other motorized bed frames outside – Although it is difficult to determine if it would have looked the same without the associated office and player brand.

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