Miss Teen USA runner-up refuses to apply amid resignation

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Miss New York Teen USA has declined the invitation to replace Miss Teen USA Uma Sophia Srivastava After her resignation.

Stephanie Skinner, the New York titleholder who was first runner-up in the 2023 Miss Teen USA pageant, shared a video: Sunday statement Explaining her choice amid the controversy surrounding the resignation of Srivastava and Miss USA Noelia Voigt.

“In light of recent events, I have decided to decline the title of Miss Teen USA 2023,” Skinner wrote in a letter. “This was not an easy decision. I hope my choice is respected as this was a decision I never asked to make.” Posted on Instagram.

“Although I don’t know exactly what Noelia and Uma went through to make them quit, I send them tremendous love and support,” Skinner added.

Voigt said in a Statement posted on social media On May 6, she was making the “difficult decision” to resign for the sake of her mental health. Two days later, Srivastava announced it Instagram That she would relinquish the title because her “personal values ​​no longer fully aligned with the direction of the organization.”

Skinner added in her post that part of the reason she was rejected was because she accepted “an international research career opportunity in Thailand that would require me to live abroad for the summer.”

“What I know is that my core values ​​are integrity, honor and kindness, and most importantly, I will always stand up for women’s empowerment. I believe we all deserve the strength to use our voices,” she concluded. “Yes, I would be grateful for this platform to be a national representation for young women across the country, but I think this is the right decision to make.”

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Miss NY Teen added in her caption: “Always let your actions speak louder than your words and never let anyone speak for you. Please know that this situation is very difficult.”

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USA TODAY has reached out to the Miss USA organization for comment.

“I’m so grateful to call you my friend. You always leave me in awe of your dedication and integrity,” Srivastava commented under Skinner’s post.

Voigt added: “Since I met you I have loved and admired you. You continue to set a great example everywhere you go. Proud of you.”

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In the current situation previously? Shared with USA TODAY after Srivastava’s resignation, Leyla Rose, CEO and President of Miss USA, said: “Our overarching goal at Miss USA is to celebrate and empower women. Our participation makes a real difference in this country and around the world.”

Rose’s statement continued: “All along, my personal goal as president of this organization has been to inspire women to always create new dreams, have the courage to explore it all, and continue to maintain integrity along the way. I stand by those things.” The same high standards as I take these allegations very seriously, please be assured that the safety of all individuals associated with Miss USA is my top priority.

“Noelia and Uma stepping down is a direct response to the current ownership and management of the Miss USA brand,” Claudia Engelhart, the former Miss USA social media director who resigned the same week as Srivastava and Voigt, told USA TODAY on Friday. “American.”

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She claimed: “They are responsible for the deterioration of Nolia and Uma’s mental health. It has been documented that they knew about it and did nothing about it.”

Contributing: Kimmy Robinson

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