Marvel’s Avengers is reportedly announcing the end of development ‘early next week’

Crystal Dynamics is said to be preparing to announce the end of development on Marvel’s Avengers live-action action-adventure superhero game, with official news said to be released “early next week.”

This is according to trusted Marvel’s Avengers leaker Miller Ross, citing sources at Crystal Dynamics in a Expo storysays the studio initially intended to continue supporting the game in the back half of 2023, but Recent events Surrounding lead developer Brian Wagner — who has reportedly left the company now that he was found to have posted racist, capable, and homophobic tweets — hastened the project’s demise.

Ross’ sources say Wagner won’t be replaced after his departure, leaving only a “small team” of developers still working on Marvel’s Avengers, most of whom are already sharing their time with other Crystal Dynamics projects, including Tomb Raider from Amazon.

The latest big update for Marvel’s Avengers saw the arrival of the Winter Soldier.

As part of Marvel’s Avengers’ planned “exit strategy” following official news of their demise, Crystal Dynamics will release a number of major changes to the systems, including the removal of the artificial time portal and an overhaul of cosmetic microtransactions. Additionally, a scheduled final update should address balancing navigation through the existing superhero roster in response to complaints that older heroes feel more “slow” than newer additions.

Marvel’s Avengers will reportedly remain on sale digitally until “at least September,” with efforts being made to “keep the game playable for existing owners for as long as possible.”

Current and former employees contacted for Ross’ report reportedly described Marvel’s Avengers project as “a fountain of potential installed by Marvel Games’ incompetent and bureaucratic studio management,” with unreleased content – which will never see the light of day – including A boss-based roaming bonus mode known as Patrol Mode, plus additional heroes Strong woman and Captain Marvel.

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The latest big update for Marvel’s Avengers Arrived in november, adding Bucky Barnes – AKA the Winter Soldier – to his superhero lineup. Since then, the goodwill of the community has been wiped out due to Crystal Dynamics’ The decision to sell versions without a helmet of cosmetics for $14.

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