March 10, 2022 Russia-Ukraine News

Russia House Restaurant and Lounge in Washington, DC. (Stephanie Reynolds / AFP / Getty Images)

The owners of some Russian-themed companies in the United States believe that they are being targeted as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Businesses say they have received threatening phone calls – at least one has been damaged.

Here is what is happening across the country:

Washington DC: The DC Metropolitan Police say police are investigating whether there was hatred or discrimination behind the vandalism at the Russia House restaurant and lounge in DC.

According to an incident report, the owner of Russia House told police that between February 25 and February 27 some parts of the restaurant were damaged, including five windows and a door. “Signs of bias are pasted on it,” the report said. Property. “

CNN Russia House approached the restaurant and lounge but did not receive a response. The restaurant is temporarily closed Its Facebook page.

New York: The owners of a Russian samovar restaurant in Midtown Manhattan said they had received harassing phone calls and that people had kicked their identities since Russia invaded Ukraine.

Vlad Von Shots – from Russia, whose husband is from Ukraine – received a phone call saying he was dying and another called him “Nazis and fascists.”

“It’s ridiculous to call us Nazis of Jewish descent,” he said. “We stand against this war. We (Russian President Vladimir) are not supporters of Putin.”

He said no incident was reported to the police.

San Diego: According to CNN, the owners of Pushkin’s Russian restaurant in San Diego have received threats following the invasion. Co-KFMB.

A caller told KFMB owner Ike Khazarian that “we will demolish the restaurant in return for what Russia is doing to Ukraine.” Another caller told KFMB, “You killed my uncle and my whole family, you nasty Russians.”

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Khazarian is from Armenia and most of his staff are from Ukraine. Despite the threats, the owner has no intention of changing the name of his business.

“This is the restaurant that was here and the Russians in the United States support the people of Ukraine,” Ghajarian told KFMB in an interview.

CNN approached Pushkin’s Russian restaurant, but did not receive an answer. The San Diego Police told CNN that they were not actively involved in any investigations at this address.

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