Macron acknowledged France's “failure to heed warnings” about the impending massacres in Rwanda

As Rwandans began to revive painful memories of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsis, on Sunday French President Emmanuel Macron Released a video message from France.

Saying he stood by his comments in May 2021, when he acknowledged France's failure to heed warnings of impending massacres, Macron again stopped short of offering a formal apology.

Macron said: “I have not a word to add, nor a word to take away from what I told you that day.” “We have all left hundreds of thousands of victims in front of this closed hellish door.”

At a time GenocideThe French government has been a long-time supporter of Rwanda's Hutu-dominated regime, leading to decades of tensions between the two countries.

However, French presidencyOn Thursday, France's liaison office published a different text of his speech, in which it stated that Macron would issue a message saying that France and its Western and African allies “could have stopped” the bloodshed, but lacked the will to do so.

However, the final letter did not represent a significant step forward compared to Macron's previous comments on genocide.

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In Rwanda, and among Rwandan survivors living in France, the dialect change surprised many.

He said: “We have to go further, we need apologies and reparations to survivors, and contribute to the fight against historical denial of genocide, which is widespread around the world.

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Read also:
The world has “failed us all,” Rwanda's President Kagame says at genocide commemorations
Rwanda is marking 30 years of the genocide that horrified the world
Thirty years after the genocide, Rwanda's relations with France are slowly beginning to improve

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