Kim Kardashian’s thief says he doesn’t feel guilty for robbery at gunpoint in Paris

One of the perpetrators of Kim Kardashian’s 2016 Paris robbery spoke out and announced that he did not feel guilty for the crime.

Yunus Abbas is one of 12 elderly men arrested for burglary, in which Kardashian was handcuffed at gunpoint while a gang of thieves now known as the ‘Grandpa Thieves’ looted $10 million worth of jewelry from her lavish hotel suite.

In a new interview with Vice newsAbbas confirmed that he developed the idea of ​​the theft after seeing Kardashian repeatedly flaunting her jewelry on social media.

Since she was throwing money away, I was there to collect it, and that was it. sinner? He said with a chuckle: No, I don’t care. ‘I’m not interested.’

He also revealed the details of the theft itself, claiming that Kardashian’s “secretary” tried to call for help – but called 911 despite being in France.

‘I don’t care’: Younes Abbas, one of the perpetrators of Kim Kardashian’s 2016 Paris robbery, announces he does not feel guilty for the crime

Before that: Kim was tied at gunpoint and $10 million worth of jewelry stolen in October 2016 while attending Paris Fashion Week, where she was photographed at the Balenciaga show.

Before that: Kim was tied at gunpoint and $10 million worth of jewelry stolen in October 2016 while attending Paris Fashion Week, where she was photographed at the Balenciaga show.

When asked about celebrities posting their valuables online, Abbas defiantly argued: “They should be less ostentatious towards people who can’t afford them. For some people, it’s provocative.

Kardashian reportedly suffered flashbacks after the robbery, during which she feared she would be raped or killed.

Abbas admitted: ‘Don’t get out of it unharmed. We did not expect this. Of course she must have been traumatized.

When the crime was committed in October 2016, all the men were in their 60s or 70s, leading the French media to describe them as “grandfather thieves”.

Dazzling: One of the pieces that Abbas and his gang took was Lorraine Schwartz's $4 million twenty-carat engagement ring given by Kanye West.

Dazzling: One of the pieces that Abbas and his gang took was Lorraine Schwartz’s $4 million twenty-carat engagement ring given by Kanye West.

One of the pieces that Abbas and his gang took was Lorraine Schwartz’s $4 million, twenty-carat engagement ring given by Kanye West.

Explaining the crime to VICE News, Abbas said: “I went online, it’s true, I saw her jewelry, I saw her ring, I saw that she displayed it everywhere, and we learned this information through social media.”

At the time, he was less aware of her than her husband, but I saw one of her shows where she threw a diamond in a pond on that episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. I thought, “She has a lot of money. This lady doesn’t care at all.”

Abbas was probably referring to a notorious incident in which Kardashian lost a $75,000 diamond earring in the ocean in Bora Bora.

Challenger: 'Since she was throwing money away, I was there to collect it, and that was it.  sinner?  He said with a chuckle: No, I don't care

Challenger: ‘Since she was throwing money away, I was there to collect it, and that was it. sinner? He said with a chuckle: No, I don’t care

Oops: Abbas told VICE that his arrest stemmed from the fact that he left some of his DNA on the doorman while he was handcuffing him.

Oops: Abbas told VICE that his arrest stemmed from the fact that he left some of his DNA on the doorman while he was handcuffing him.

She worked herself into a hysterical state over the earring, which angered her older sister Kourtney Kardashian, who said, “Kim, there are people dying.”

Grandpa Thieves found out online that Kim Kardashian was headed to Paris Fashion Week in October 2016 “so we went there to do some exploring.”

They succeeded in tracking her to the Hotel De Pourtales in the 8th arrondissement, and, according to Abbas, they were there from midnight the night of the crime.

The Kardashian sisters had left the hotel that evening with their bodyguard Pascal Duffer, leaving Kim Kardashian vulnerable.

Alone: ​​the thieves succeeded in tracing her to the Hotel De Pourtales in the 8th arrondissement, where reporters were filmed after the crime

Alone: ​​the thieves succeeded in tracing her to the Hotel De Pourtales in the 8th arrondissement, where reporters were filmed after the crime

“We entered through the small door that was open from the inside,” Abbas said. As soon as we walked in, we took control of the concierge. We beat it. We tied it up. But then we looked for the keys to the bedroom I stayed in.

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He explained, “I stayed downstairs, but my colleagues went upstairs with the concierge to go to Madame Kardashian’s room.”

Then the men who broke into her suite handcuffed and gagged her and threw her into the bathtub as she reportedly called for her life.

When Abbas’ “colleagues” went back downstairs, he said, “Ms. Kardashian’s secretary called for help. But she called 911 in the US, which scared us, causing them to lose a lot of time. When we got out, there was a group of cops outside who didn’t Be aware of anything about theft.

The vulnerable: the Kardashian sisters had left the hotel on the evening of the robbery with their bodyguard Pascal Duffer;  Kardashian and Dover were photographed just a day ago

The vulnerable: the Kardashian sisters had left the hotel on the evening of the robbery with their bodyguard Pascal Duffer; Kardashian and Dover were photographed just a day ago

While making the bike escape, Abbas threw a diamond-encrusted cross worth €30,000, and France 24 Reports indicate that hours later he was discovered by a passerby.

But Abbas told VICE that his arrest stemmed from the fact that he left some of his DNA on the concierge while he was restrained, allowing police to track him down, a task facilitated by the fact that he “already has a record”.

Abbas then spent 22 months in prison, but was released for health reasons and has since published memoirs about the theft.

Omar Ait Khedache, one of the men arrested for theft, told French police that the engagement ring was the only surviving piece of the stolen Kardashian jewelry.

Hand in Hand: Kardashian was photographed with her older sister Kourtney Kardashian (right) in Paris just a day before the robbery

Hand in Hand: Kardashian was photographed with her older sister Kourtney Kardashian (right) in Paris just a day before the robbery

In early 2017, Le Monde He obtained a transcript of an interview with the police with Khadash, in which he explained that his gang had broken up and they sold the rest of the spoils.

“In order for the jewels to never be recognized, we made a joint decision to melt them,” he said, claiming that its loot had been taken to the diamond trading center in Antwerp.

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Kardashian later told David Letterman that the experience left her ‘paranoid’ for a year that she would have ‘half a dozen’ bouncers working constantly at her Calabasas home.

Last year, five years after the theft, she revealed that she still had such severe scars from the accident that she no longer kept any jewelry at home, even in a safe place.

Shock: Kardashian later tells David Letterman that the experience left her 'paranoid' for a year that she would have 'six bouncers' on duty at her Calabasas home

Shock: Kardashian later tells David Letterman that the experience left her ‘paranoid’ for a year that she would have ‘six bouncers’ on duty at her Calabasas home

I can’t sleep if I have jewelry in my safe, my money, or anything in my house. “I just don’t live my life like this,” she said in the Keeping Up With The Kardashians special.

She insisted that ‘no expensive things ever come’ to her house and ‘in terms of jewelry, if I was wearing something, it would be borrowed. It’s fake.’

Kardashian claimed that she became a “completely different person” after the theft “in the best way” by physically placating her.

Before this ordeal, she had to have the coolest car, the best rims, the best looking, and I thought I was the reason behind it. She said: I thought that made me.

Terrified: Last year, five years after the theft, Kim revealed she still had so severe scars from the accident that she no longer keeps any jewelry at home, even in a safe place.

Terrified: Last year, five years after the theft, Kim revealed she still had so severe scars from the accident that she no longer keeps any jewelry at home, even in a safe place.

“The things I valued before this happened were very different from what I appreciate now,” said the reality star, now a mother of four. “It’s fun getting dressed up and all that, but like, things don’t make me.”

Last November, the twelve “grandfather thieves” were charged with various charges in connection with a Paris jewel heist that shocked the world.

French law protects Kardashian from questioning, which means she won’t have to face accused abusers in court.

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