Kathy Hilton mistook Lizzo for ‘precious’, which led to backlash

Kathy Hilton of “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” blames poor eyesight as the reason singer Lizzo was mistaken for the titular character from the 2009 movie Precious.

In light of the criticism she faced for the fatal error, Hilton wrote in the comments section of QueensofBravo Instagram account: “The screen was so far away and my vision was awful. If you remember, I couldn’t even tell who Justin Timberlake or Melissa Etheridge was.”

Lizzo didn’t seem bothered by Hilton’s mistake or the backlash that followed, as she posted vacation photos on Thursday Twitter with the caption“while…”

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Kathy Hilton from The Real Housewives Beverly Hills The wrong singer Lizo About the titular character from the 2009 movie Precious. While appearing on Andy Cohen’s “Watch What Happens Live” show on Wednesday, Hilton was tasked with guessing which celebrities appear on screen in a game called “Will Cathy Recognize Them?”

Hilton, 63, guessed wrong several times, failing to pinpoint accurately Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson or Justin Timberlake. However, embarrassment ensued when Cohen pulled Lizzo’s Grammy Award-winning photo. “I feel like I’m doing…precious?” Hilton Guess. The answer prompted “Housewives” star Krystal Kong Minkoff, who was also a guest on the Wednesday show, to laugh.

Hilton probably got it wrong Lizzo, 34, about the titular character played by Gaboré Sidibe in the 2009 Academy Award-winning drama Precious. However, it is also possible that you have mistaken the singer for the 32-year-old model, Precious Lee. Minkoff, 39, tried to right the blunder, turning to Hilton to say, “It’s precious, though. Lizos are precious.”

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“That’s what I call it,” Hilton added. “Her title is precious to me.”

Lizzo’s fans responded quickly on Twitter, criticizing Hilton for comparing Lizzo to an oversized black public figure. Among them was E! Host Nina Parker, who wrote on Twitter: “Black women are not here to be your jokes.”

Internet personality Caleen Allen also tweeted: “When the word ‘precious’ came up, a lot of people used the character’s name as a derogatory label to fuel their phobias of fats and to bully. So no, I don’t think it’s funny that it was on Lizzo, the house that runs her own business, To watch herself called out is precious in front of millions on live TV.”

Another tweeted: “It’s obese and racist phobia to me. Because she and Gabe don’t look alike, but to also call her precious, like a real character and not a character. Lizzo needs to curse all these actors.”

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Some came to Hilton’s defense, calling her mistake a sincere one. One fan wrote on Twitter: “Everyone should calm down Cathy calling Lizzo Precious. The woman didn’t recognize anyone.”

Another wrote: “Supermodel Precious Lee and music artist Lizzo are two strikingly similar women.” “KathyHilton didn’t disparage any of these icons, but Krystal and @Andy’s prolonged laughter was full of energy and childishness.”

Lizzo, Lee, and Sidibe publicly commented on the Hilton interview.

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