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As CNN previously reported, the judge’s decision comes after Sockett’s family filed a lawsuit on Tuesday to prevent the release of some of the recordings, citing privacy concerns.

The 65-year-old was Socket He was found dead in his hotel room In Orlando, Florida last month. The Orange County Medical Examiner’s Office determined his death was accidental, most likely because he fell backwards and hit his head.

On Tuesday, Sockett’s widow, Kelly Risso, and her three daughters filed a lawsuit against the Orange County Sheriff’s and Medical Examiner’s Office, demanding that it be exempted from public release due to their graphic nature of the late depiction of some inquest records related to the death. Actor.

“In the course of these investigations, the defendants created records containing photographs, video recordings, audio recordings, legally protected autopsy information and other legally protected information,” the lawsuit said. “Based on information and convictions, some of these recordings map Mr. Socket’s appearance or features or parts of him, and were made by the defendants during the trial.”

The family argues in the case that the release of this information – either through a public registration request or in some other way – “can cause irreparable damage in the form of severe mental pain, distress and depression”.

In court documents obtained by CNN subsidiary WESH, Ninth Circuit Court Judge Vincent Chiu agreed and granted the motion.

Saget’s family lawyer Brian Bieber told CNN that the restraining order was issued “to prevent the authorities from releasing any of Mr. Socket’s photos or videos during their investigation.”

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“The facts of the investigation should be made public, but these items should be private in a way that respects the dignity of Mr. Sockett and his family. It’s very simple – from a human and legal point of view, the privacy rights of the Sockett family are more than anything. It is in the public interest to release this important information.”

“While we are sensitive to family concerns about the right to privacy, our commitment to transparency, compliance with the law and the public’s right to know must be balanced,” the Orange County Sheriff’s Department said in a statement to CNN. Wednesday.

The Autopsy report Although he died of a head injury after falling into a hotel room in Orlando, Socket showed a positive test for Kovit-19.

“It is very possible that the deceased fell backwards without a witness and hit the back of his head. The manner in which the death occurred was an accident,” said Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Joshua D. Stephanie said in her statement.

According to the report, Sockett also had a big heart; 95% blocked on one side. And although there is no alcohol in his body, there is clonazepam / clonopine in his systems – it is taken for seizures, panic disorders and anxiety, the report shows. In addition, antidepressants were found in the composition of trosodone socket, the report said.

CNN’s Joe Sutton and Chloe Melas contributed to the report.

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