Jim Harbaugh: My heart is with the University of Michigan

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Jim Harbaugh’s flirtation with the NFL in 2022 ended in his return to the University of Michigan, and the same thing happened in 2023.

Harbaugh interviewed with the Broncos last week, but University of Michigan president Santa Ono said in a tweet Monday afternoon that he had spoken with Harbaugh and that Harbaugh would remain with the Wolverines.

“I got off the phone with Coach Harbaugh and Jim shared with me the great news that he was going to be As the head coach of the Michigan Wolverines,” Ono said. “That’s great news that I’ve passed on to our athletic director Warde Manuel.”

Harbaugh issued his own statement a short time later.

“I love the relationships I have at Michigan – the coaches, the staff, the families, the administration, President Santa Ono and especially the players and their families,” Harbaugh said. “My heart is with the University of Michigan. I once heard a wise man say, “Don’t try to leave happiness.” Go blue!”

Ono said last weekend that the school had “positive and constructive conversations” with Harbaugh about staying in Ann Arbor. Those conversations may have included discussion of adjustments to Harbaugh’s contract, and it will be interesting to see if there is a buyout now that Harbaugh is less likely to explore a return to the NFL in 2024.

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