Jeff Bezos asks the Council on Disinformation to verify the authenticity of Biden’s tweet

Amazon chief Jeff Bezos said the country’s newly formed disinformation board should take a look at the White House after a tweet from President Biden trying to link high inflation to the country’s corporate tax rate.

“The newly created disinformation board should review this tweet, or they may need to form a new non-sequential board instead,” Bezos mocked In a tweet late Friday night. β€œIt is good to discuss raising corporate taxes. Taming inflation is crucial to the discussion. Bringing them together is just a misdirection.”

The rate of inflation – which took off the moment President Biden entered the White House – rose to the White House 8.3% in AprilAlmost 40 years old. Prices of basic commodities such as food and petrol rose.

“Do you want to lower inflation?” Biden asked in a Friday tweet. “Let’s make sure the wealthiest companies pay their fair share.”

The Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Management Board has been widely criticized for its stated goal of combating disinformation on social media.

Company CEO Nina Jankovic has been ridiculed as a partisan hacker, and has spoken out publicly about verified (and largely left-leaning) Twitter users. Able to “edit” tweets from others on the platform.

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