It looks like screenshots from Jet Set Radio and Persona 3 have been leaked

Footage has emerged of what appears to be a remake of Jet Set Radio and Persona 3.

Twitter user AVtoGAMEnoYAMI He posted a video on Sunday showing Yukari from Persona 3 shooting magic arrows, in footage that appears to be more detailed than Persona 3 usually does.

Early preview footage of Sonic Frontiers follows, and then there’s a short five-second clip that appears to show the Beat from Jet Set Radio dancing. The video contains text in the corner of the screen that reads “Footage in development”.

According to AVtoGAMEnoYAMI, the footage is “from an internal SEGA Japan meeting held in 2021.”

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Although brief clips like this can be faked, many sites have now come forward and stated that they have information that makes them believe the footage is legitimate.

Following Twitter user Genki_JPN Watermarked image which looked similar to footage from Jet Set Radio, Sega’s news site SEGAbits She posted that she had received leaked images from a survey asking about different art styles for the game Jet Set Radio, but did not share them because they were watermarked with the username.

After the Genki_JPN photo, SEGAbits decided to share the photos and blur them to hide the watermark.

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while, Jimatsu He seems to suggest that the Persona 3 footage may be somewhat real, noting: “While we can’t verify the footage itself, Gematsu is aware that a Persona 3 remake has been in development at Atlus for several years.”

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He also pointed out that a Twitter user MbKKssTBhz5 He found a website called, which is registered by the same domain provider as the official Persona 5 Royal website.

It had been reported last year before bloomberg that Sega was working on a big-budget reboot of Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio, according to their sources.

Given that the leaked footage dates back to 2021, and that a Bloomberg report in 2022 indicated that both games are still early in development, it should be noted that there is still the possibility that Jet Set Radio will be canceled at some point, and that the leaked footage does not indicate Until the release is confirmed.