It is rumored that the original God of War trilogy will be remastered

It's possible that the original God of War trilogy will get the remastered treatment.

That's according to XboxEra's Nick Baker, who announced in “The 4th Annual Grubbsmas Shpeshaltacular” that he heard a remaster of the first three God of War games “may be happening.”

XboxEra Podcast | Live | Episode 191 – “4th Annual Grubbsmas Shpeshaltacular” with Jeff Grubb.

“I've been, for a long time, someone who has kind of bemoaned the direction God of War has taken, and I miss the OG God of War hack-and-slash games. I love them so much,” Baker said. Thanks, GGRecon).

“I told a friend of mine who also loves the OG God of War trilogy that this might happen, and then he got really excited. And I heard we might get a remaster of the original God of War trilogy on PlayStation.”

Baker was unable to commit to a release timeline and was unclear whether it would be a “direct port of what we got on PS3”. It's also not believed that 2013's God of War Ascension is included in the remaster either.

“The other thing I'm not clear on and want to get details on is, is this a direct port of what we got on PS3? In that case, I'm somewhat less enthusiastic. Or is this something more complicated, more in the realm of the remake?”

As always, until an official announcement is made, all we can do now is dismiss it as a rumor and take it all with a pinch of salt. Either way, we'll keep you posted.

The original God of War will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2025. God of War 2 and 3 were released in 2007 and 2010, respectively.

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Cliff Bleszinski, creator of the Gears of War series, has suggested that the games could get a God of War-style reboot – all Xbox has to do is call it a day.

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