In a birthday call to Ji Putin, he says China will support Russia on security issues

Speaking on his 69th birthday, Xi promised to deepen strategic coordination between the two countries, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

In a separate reading from the Kremlin, the two leaders reiterated that their country’s relations were “superior at all times” and reaffirmed their commitment to “continue to deepen comprehensive cooperation.”

The call is expected to be the second time the two leaders have spoken since Russia invaded Ukraine. They spoke just days after Moscow began calling it a “special military operation.”

China, too, has been polite on the issue, except to refer to Russia’s actions as an invasion. While refusing to condemn Russia’s actions, it has portrayed itself as calling for peace and maintaining world order. It has also used its state media apparatus to reflect the Kremlin’s lines blaming the US and NATO for the crisis.

During Wednesday’s call, he stressed that China has always “assessed the situation in Ukraine independently” and called on “all parties” to press for a “proper solution to the Ukraine crisis” – echoing the language he used in his call with US President Joe in March. பிடன்.

He said China was “ready to continue to play its part” in promoting a “proper solution” for Ukraine.

The summary of the Kremlin’s call took this position one step further: “The Chinese president noted the legitimacy of Russia’s actions in defending basic national interests in the face of challenges to its defense created by foreign powers.”

Trade relations

Wednesday’s call was an opportunity for the two leaders to see the growing business relationship.

Earlier this year, weeks before the Russian invasion, the two leaders met with A. Face-to-face meeting He said there was a “no limit” partnership in their countries and promised to increase trade.

“Since the beginning of this year, bilateral relations have maintained a good growth momentum in the face of global turmoil and change,” G said in a statement on Wednesday.

“The Chinese side is ready to work with the Russian side to press for the sustainable and long-term development of practical bilateral cooperation,” Xi said, referring to the “sustainable improvement” in their trade relations and the beginning of last week. First Cross Highway Bridge On the Amur River.

The two agreed to expand cooperation in the energy, finance, manufacturing and other sectors, “taking into account the global economic situation, which has been exacerbated by the illegal embargo pursued by the West,” the Kremlin readout said.

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The two countries pledged to work together to strengthen communication and coordination in international organizations such as the United Nations – both often vote jointly.

“China is ready to work with Russia to promote unity and cooperation among emerging market countries … and to move international order and global governance in a more equitable and equitable direction,” he said. The shared purpose of nations against what they consider to be the global dominance of the United States.

Happy Birthday

This is not the first time that G and Putin have been engaged to each other on their birthdays.

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In 2013, during a conference in Indonesia, G presented a birthday cake to Putin to mark the 61st birthday of the Russian leader, and the two drank vodka together. Shi later celebrated his 66th birthday with Putin during a 2019 summit in Tajikistan. Ice cream, cake and champagne.

Their personal relationship, in which Xi described Putin as his “best and best friend”, is considered to enhance the dynamics of their strengthening relationship nationally.

In a summary of the two leaders’ recent calls, he noted that the Kremlin’s conversation took place in a “traditionally warm and friendly atmosphere.”

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