If you didn’t buy Jony Ive’s $60,000 turntable, are you really a music fan?

Image credits: flexible

I enjoyed the iMac, iPhone and iPad. I was pleased with the way he said “aluminium.” [sic]. you admire interpolator. Are you ready for the $60,000 turntable? You better make up your mind quickly, because Lynn only produces 250 of these handcrafted bad boys.

A record player doesn’t seem like a logical extension of Jony Ive’s post-Apple career — but then, nothing made particularly sense about Jony Ive’s post-Apple career. And hey, more power to him. Apple’s longtime chief designer probably didn’t hurt the money, so who could blame the guy just for having fun?

LoveFrom.com was designed by Yves and his company Sondec LP12-50, a clear act of love for all parties involved that marks the 50th anniversary of Lin’s iconic Sondek LP12 turntable. The original version, introduced in 1972, was a relatively simple system in and of itself, but Ive and his team took things to their logical conclusion. Gone is the ’70s-style wood design, in its place the kinds of clean, industrial lines one would expect from the man who helped bring the world the iPod.

Image credits: flexible

I have said in Interview with Fortune. “Particularly when you have products that are already meant to be iconic, and have that kind of cultural resonance, it’s easy to assume they can’t be improved. And that’s a particularly difficult design problem to respectfully evaluate a product.”

Imagine Paul McCartney giving you a call and asking you to cover “Yesterday”. How close are you to the original? In this case, there are specific elements of the suspension sub-chassis system that must remain intact, in order to maintain its signature sound. LoveFrom’s challenge was to effectively color those lines in a new way.

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Of course, some changes have been made to the mechanics to keep up with the times. Lynn writes, “The sonic enhancement comes via Lynn’s all-new Bedrock The base technology consists of perpendicular layers of beech wood placed under intense pressure to create an entirely new material that is both solid and massive. The ultra-dense wood produces minimal resonance and provides a superior insulating envelope for the turntable mechanism. “

The turntable is expected to ship sometime between August and the following March.

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