Hubble telescope captures a surreal galaxy collision

Image for article titled Hubble Telescope captures surreal galaxy collision

picture: ESA/Hubble & NASA, Dark Energy Survey/DOE/FNAL/DECam/CTIO/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA, J. Dalcanton

The James Webb Space Telescope has been acquired All attention These days, however, Hubble, in space since 1990, continues to make amazing astronomical observations.

The latest Hubble image shows Arp-Madore 417-391, a galactic merger located 670 million light-years from Earth. The celestial scene can be seen from the southern hemisphere in the constellation Eridanus. NASA Explain“The two galaxies have been gravitationally distorted and turned into an enormous ring, leaving their cores side by side.”

Enlarged image of Arp-Madore 417-391.

Enlarged image of Arp-Madore 417-391.
picture: ESA/Hubble & NASA, Dark Energy Survey/DOE/FNAL/DECam/CTIO/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA, J. Dalcanton

The image is made possible by the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) aboard Hubble, which is designed for this exact kind of thing — spotting ancient, distant galaxies. Hubble is set to be retired by the end of the decade, but NASA and SpaceX are currently working on a plan to extend the life of the aging telescope.

More on this story: NASA and SpaceX are working to boost Hubble to a higher orbit

Astronomers are currently using Hubble as an exploration tool for the recently deployed James Webb Space Telescope, which has already produced some of the most Amazing astronomical photos We’ve seen it before. When Hubble isn’t making pre-scheduled observations, it’s examining some lesser-known galaxies, allowing astronomers to compile a list of interesting galaxies for Webb to make follow-up observations..

The Arp-Madore 417-391 is just one of the many great things in the Arp-Madore catalog, a collection that includes others Galaxies interact– Including the one with Clearly facial appearance.

more: The Webb telescope reveals the harmful atmosphere of a planet 700 light-years away

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