Here’s what happens after the best call to Saul’s finale, according to Rhea Seehorn

Of course, Seehorn isn’t the episode’s director and writer, Peter Gould, so her interpretation of the ending may not be strict. However, she revealed that Gould wrote the final moments of the show intentionally vague so that audiences could draw their own conclusions:

“I know Peter wanted to write an ending – and he did so brilliantly – that when the screen goes black, it’s not just that there are people thinking one thing at the expense of another. It’s that people are going to continue the story in their heads, it’s a story that’s still on an ongoing path. May There are different opinions about which direction it’s going, but it’s a smart ending because it really honors the larger philosophical questions the show raises about actions, consequences, nature versus nurture, morals, and unconditional love.”

In short, the ending is entirely left to the interpretation of the audience. Will Jimmy and Kim continue to maintain the relationship, or are they heading their separate ways? Do you forgive him for everything that dragged her to him or not? All of these can make sense within the framework given by the end, and perhaps this is its ultimate strength; The audience trusts to form their own conclusions rather than articulating them in detail. While this may work in some shows, ‘Better Call Saul’ has always thrived confusionso the open and closed end like “Breaking Bad” will not fit.

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